Trends! [19]

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Gummy's PoV
You are NEVER getting rid of me
Ogay that's a lie

The commanders or warriors or whatever they wanna be called, whale they're PISSED

Like 'I'm gonna blow up a planet' pissed.

It was absolutely hairlarious watching Chaos run around the room.

"Staaaaaawwwwwppppppp!!!! IM SORRRRYYYY!!!" Chaos whined.


"Alright fine we'll stop," Luke said.

"...... for now." Bianca muttered.

"Okay good!" Chaos stood up, dusting the imaginary dust off of his suit.

"Why must you wear....... that?" Silena gestured to Chaos' clothes and pulled a 'eugh' face.

'Eugh' as in .... try saying the word E-yugh or something like that..look at the face thou makes.

Did ya do it? Yeah of course you didn't... I wouldn't either but yeah that's the face Silena made.

"What? It's fashionable and trendy! And you know I keep up with the trends!!" Chaos tried defending himself.

"Then make a shop called 'Trends!' or something! We're tired of hearing your whining about how people don't know you exist!! So just start a clothes brand or something and call it 'Chaos'!! It will sell soo well. With the dark, galaxy type aesthetic..... mwah!" Lee started rambling, "And-" he was cut off by Ethan kissing him.

"Gen, you know I love you but-" "Oh for the love of Chaos! Shut up!!" Ethan was cut off by a very frustrated Michael.

Uhm hi....
I'm not dead!!
I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long
And apparently I didn't publish this chapter
And I'm sooo sorry it's so short-

I've been like rlly busy with school and I fell rlly sick recently so I couldn't update

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