Chaos cannot lie [14]

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Helloooo everyoneeee who's reading this!

200 READS?!?!
this isn't even that good.
Okay so I decided to name my OC 'Stephanie' coz umm one of the 'mean' girls in school has a cousin who's friend's name is Stephanie and she's like- the worst.
Bossy, mean, rude, homophobic, bully, doesn't understand sarcasm, has watched the pjo movies etc.
I'll add her description later. The character I mean, not the person the character just has the same attitude
Okay soooo
Yeah I have nothing else to say... well actually I do but I don't at the same time.....
Here ya gooo!

It's Saturday
Chaos took a whole month to come up with his plan
And now he's excited
He's like Leo if you give him skittles
Which is a nightmare for the commanders and his husband/wife
3rd Person PoV

Katharos had received a timing just seconds after he mist travelled away.
7am it said.
Way to early for anyone's liking but Katharos was used to it, being an assassin and all.

Chaos was a bit too excited.
He was up and about at 2am!!
2 in the fucking morning!!
His reason?
His reason was that 'An assassin known all over the universe is going to visit my palace in 5 hours and it needs to be perfect so he falls into m- our trap!!' His words, not mine! He said some other stuff too but.... Yeah we'll be here forever if I repeat what he said.

Katharos on the other hand woke up at 6:57
Cutting it a bit close because he arrived exactly a second before 7:01

Everyone was nervous.
No one spoke.
Waiting to see what kind of entrance would be made.
He wasn't known for his theatrics as much as his skills....

Chaos was wringing his hands with anticipation.
He was scared he wasn't going to show.
He was never late.

Which is why when he appeared exactly a second before 7:01......
Chaos couldn't say he was late, which he has always wanted to say to someone but no one ever gives him the satisfaction of saying it.
"Katharos." Chaos said, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Chaos." Katharos said in the same voice.
"Okay can someone please say something? This is awkward and weird and awkward and umm official? No political?" That's all they heard because after that, Katharos just muttered under his breath.
Chaos laughed along with his commanders. "Sit! We have something to discuss!" Chaos said a bit nervously.
"Ooookay......." Katharos said unsurely.

There was only one free chair which was placed to the left of Chaos, who sat at the head of the table.
Katharos cautiously approached the chair, analysing it.
He figured out this was a trap long ago and he connected it to the chair after Chaos told him to sit, so instead he leaned against the chair.
"What was this so very important matter you had to discuss at 7 in the fucking morning?" Katharos asked.
"Uh erm...well I uh oh! I just wanted to uh.." Chaos stuttered.
"What he means to say is that we would like to reveal ourselves, you know in case we need help or something like that!" Luke quickly added seeing Katharos' questioning look.

"Alright...." He replied unsurely, "go ahead I guess?"

"Commanders? You ready?" Chaos asked.

Okay hello!! Again
Umm yeah so school's starting offline!! YAayy! Why did that sound sarcastic? Nvm.
So that means that I'll probably update like a few times a week instead of everyday and this chapter is so short like-
Sorry for the short chapter btw
Also I really need names for them cos I can't come up with names to save my life XD
Okay bye!

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