KarlaDust [7]

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Okay so should I focus more on Luke's backstory or Percy's? Or both?
So ima basically just show/write like how he became an assassin or whatever and umm I cannot come up with names to save my life so I'll just wing it.... I need some suggestions. Please?

Percy's PoV
I'm lost. It's been 2 days in KarlaDust and I'm lost. The labyrinth would've been easier to navigate than this place. I winced at the memory. No. Percy. No! You will NOT think about those..... "Traitors" I didn't realise I said it out loud until..... "Traitors?" I heard someone with a thick accent say from behind me. "Whhath eez ve tray-ee-thor?" "Oh umm hello! A traitor is.... umm," "Someone who has betrayed you. Yes I know." I didn't say anything for a while. Trying to process what was going on. This person who had a thick accent just seconds ago can now speak normally? Weeeeird.

"I'm Meik!(sp?) That's Korg! And yes I can speak. I do understand you." (I love Meik and Korg. Noobmaster69)

Meik went on to explain her story. I told her mine. Apparently Meik ran away from home and got adopted by her two dads.
(Meik looks like the picture above but she's dark skinned)

3rd Person PoV

It had been 3 years since Percy met Meik and Korg. Korg was pretty cool but he couldn't speak. His vocal cords were damaged a long time ago. Meik and Percy were inseparable. Ok they were very separable but..... okay you get it! They were close. Really close. They acted more like siblings than bestfriends. They were so close to the point that Korg thought he was stealing his girlfriend from him. His thoughts vanished when he saw them having a food fight and yelling stuff that even Korg didn't know about his girlfriend. I won't repeat what was said but they said things only siblings would say. Plus Percy was gay so... yeah.

When Percy met Meik's parents, they gave him a cloak and a mask that covered most of his face. Percy didn't know why he was in KarlaDust but when he saw the cloak...... it was like he found his calling in his new life.

He was stealthy. Agile. Fast. Clever. Intuitive. And much more. All unjust or cruel rulers feared him. He was called Katharos. He would only answer to Katharos when he was under the mask and cloak. Otherwise he was Percy. The blue-loving person.

His first target was Arkhal. The king of Guërdæm.

Percy mist travelled into the throne room to kill him. Arkhal's daughter was the heir but she gave it up to her brother who - along with Princess Sôhe - hated their father with a passion. They came to a compromise and shared the throne.

Bad chapter I know but there's a reason why my teacher doesn't like me..... she doesn't hate me either. It's like neutral and I plan to keep it that way.

Okay bye!!
Hope you're having/gonna have a pen amazhang night/day/afternoon/evening

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