McDonalds! The answer to everything [6]

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Okay so I have NO idea where I'm going with this story.... Not like I had an idea anyway 😂 you can like skip til the end of the rant cos I just needed to do that sooo yeah
I'm kinda stuck...... my mom reached out to one of her old friends recently and her kid was my old bestfriend...... we haven't talked in like 4 or 5 years and I don't know what to do...... yea sure I wanna talk to him but we kinda left off on a rough patch I guess? and he had this bet with his friend and he didn't like it and neither did we but he um did it anyway and then he suddenly left school. No goodbye no nothing just poof! So I don't know..... I want to but he kinda hated me a week before he left and then we barely made up and he left and I just.... like he was one of my bestfriends and we told each other everything...... and like- I'm just. I don't know what to do and I just need to rant. Like actually rant by opening my mouth but I can't because I either need someone I trust or I just need to be alone and have a lot of privacy.... And we were each others punching bags and we would just let loose on each other and we didn't take it seriously bc the other person needed it. I want to talk to him but it would be awkward and there's also a part of me that doesn't want to talk to him..... gods I wish he didn't leave school. It woulda been muuuuch simpler. Also the fact that his other bestfriend bullied me and ONLY me (thankfully) didn't help. I'm basically him and he's basically me but we just look different that's it.
Sorry bout that. I needed it I guess. Thanks!! :)

Okay okay I'll get on with the chapter!! Chilll!

Percy's PoV
After I knocked out the gods, I ran. I don't know where I'm going but I can't go back there. Mostly because I would've maybe be thrown back into Tartarus knowing how much Athena hated me. I kept running until I found myself inside an abandoned McDonalds shop. Well I think it's a McDonalds..... I mean the creepy clown guy's here so it much be McDonalds. I also have the logo imprinted in my mind... thanks to Nico. Rumble-ding-troom wha- that sounds wrong....... I walked into the kitchen of McDonalds and saw a weird looking train thing. Well it was more like a metro (or do people call it a subway?) with a... no one was driving it!! Oh wait no I'm just looking through a window. "Ya getting on or not? Hurry up!! I don't have all year... actually I do but still!!" "Wha- um wh-where does this train go...?" I managed to stammer out. She rolled her eyes "Everywhere. Now- oh wait you're a newbie earth person right? Well here's a pamphlet!" She handed me a pamphlet. I couldn't make out what it said until it suddenly turned into Greek. "Wait outer space? As in like Zeu- sorry um Jupiter...... or like different galaxy stuff?" "Yes outer space! Now you gettin' on or not?!" "Uh- y-yeah I am."

We got onto the train and I got to look at the girl properly. She had black hair that went just a little over the shoulders. She was wearing ripped jeans but they didn't look like they were pre-ripped. She wore a baggy black sweatshirt with the words 'Deal with it' on them. She was around 5'7 and had purple skin. "What's your name?" "Kwansvénda but people call me Ferr! What's yours?" "I'm Percy" "Why did I say my full name? Idiotá!" Ferr muttered. "What?" I asked because she was staring at me. "Well?" "Dam" I started laughing "Dam? Why'd you say Dam?" "B-because y-you said we-well... I th-thoug-thought we were naming things wi-with water in th-them." I managed to say. She facepalmed "I'm going to regret this but..... why did you laugh when you said dam?" "Inside joke" "Stupid N-E's... idiots they are! Anyways umm yea where do you want to go?" "What's the first stop?" "Kãrlaśvedx" "Okay so I'll go to KarlaDust!" "Idiots" she muttered "Oookay! Umm you might wanna hang on." I grabbed onto the nearest pole just as the door closed and we took off. We went so fast that I almost puked. Almost.

"We're here!!" Ferr called out. "Thanks Fee!!!" "F- Fee?!" "Yea like Ferr but that's just weird soooo Fee!!!" "Again, Idiots!! Okay Bye!! Now go away!!" "I feel the love...." Fee just rolled her eyes. "Bye!" And with that I jumped off the train.

Im sorry it's really short but I have a deadline to finish my homework and unfortunately I have to do it and I have a LOT😩 and the whole bestfriend thing isn't helping me mentally sooo yeah. Sorry y'all don't wanna hear a rant but anyway bye!!!

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