The Smirk that can kill [9]

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105 READS!!!!! WH- HOWW?!?! IT AINT EVEN THAT GOOD!!!! THANKS tho!!! 10- siriusly? 105? How?! Just- how?! Thankyouforsomanyreadsss!!
Okay so this chapter is what happens on Olympus before he escapes. So all of this happens then the.... fifth chapter I think happens. Idk I have to check so if u wanna... u can read this then read the fifth chapter again.

On Olympus
Before Percy escaped
3rd Person PoV
The four gods woke up to Hestia talking to Hecate. "-d so will you do it? Please Hecate? If not for Percy... for me." Hestia said in a kind voice that sounded very desperate. Hecate sighed. "Alright fine! I'll do it! Not just for you but.. for Percy too. He treated my children very well and I appreciate him, I also owe him- but when I do this; you owe me!" Hermes smirked "When you do this..... you didn't say if." Hestia smacked him upside the head and said "Of course we'll owe you Hecate...." "Lady Hecate.... Will this work?" "Of course it will Percy!"

The throne rooooom
The gods flashed into the room with Percy. "Here. Do what you want! We- we won't-" "Be gentle is what Apollo is trying to say.." Hermes quickly cut in before Apollo spilled. "Y-yeah.."

"What should his punishment be...?" Athena asked.

"Torture! Then Death!!!" Exclaimed Poseidon "He shall be put in the Fields of Punishment!! Won't he Hades?"
"N- Fine.... Fine!" Hades quickly corrected himself with a glares from Hestia and Percy.

"Let's start...." Poseidon said evilly. "Who wants to go first?" When he said this, Hecate walked in. "I would like to participate too... Poseidon." "Of course! Anyone else?" "Okay then! Let's get on with it!!"
You can imagine what they did..... Hermes, Hestia, Hades, Apollo, Zeus blessed him, while Hecate put her plan in action. Aphrodite just talked to him and Mr. D fell asleep.

"Bring in the camps!! Let them see their 'Hero' at his worst!! Then we shall kill him and they'll jump for joy!!" Poseidon said waay too excitedly.

Annabeth and Keith were some of the first few people to flash in. Horrid sight it was when they were flashed in. Luckily; Aphrodite sent a bright beam of light toward them, separating them from their make out session. "Aphrodite!! You're the goddess of love!! Why would you do that??" "Not true..." she muttered. "What did you say?" Athena asked. "I said... not true.... That's not love! Got a problem with that Athena?" She said menacingly. Before Athena could say anything, Zeus flashed everyone else in too.

Nico was the first to notice Percy and ran up to him. He hugged him, followed by Thalia and Leo. Clarisse came over and pet his head. "Clarisse!!! I'm not a dog!! Stop it!!" Percy whined. She didn't stop. She only stopped when Ares said this "Clarisse!! You've fallen for that punk? I thought you were better than that!" Clarisse immediately jumped back and said "Me with- with Prissy?? Of all people... him?! No- just- NO!" "Aphrodite...." "She's telling the truth Ares, it's sibling love, between all of them." Aphrodite said in a bored tone.

"Why're we here Zeus?" Nico said menacingly (I love this word) . He only said it like that to keep up the act. He already figured it out.
"P-Percy's been tortured......" Thalia realised. "Dea- NO!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!-" He was cut off by Poseidon. "Any last words Jackson?" "Why am I not good enough? I'll always love you guys.... Do it. DO IT! I KNOW I'M. OT GOOD ENOUGH SO DO IT! Please just do it....." he said the last part sadly and desperately.

Poseidon smiled. Then he killed him

He killed the hero of Olympus.

In front of his friends.

In front of Blackjack

Mrs. O Leary.

Everyone who ever loved Percy.

"NOOO!! PERCY!! YOU!!! YOU WILL- OH IF I COULD I WOULD!" "Thals....." Nico said. "No.." then Thalia chuckled. "Of course he did.... Stupid Kelp Head! But you gotta give him credit...." "You're dead.... Done. For. Mad Thalia is bad... Mad Nico is worse.... But both of them MAD and SMIRKING!!!! I have one word for y'all..... RUN" said Leo.

Okay umm figured it out yet? No? Okay so Hecate went last and she basically first made a Percy duplicate.
Then, when Poseidon threw his trident at Percy; Hecate used that time to switch real Percy with Duplicate Percy. I know, it's weird.
But just imagine.....
Livid Percy
Livid Thalia
Livid Nico

And their anger is directed toward you.... Or Annabitch or someone else or like an army of something...

Like- RUN


I would sit to the side, eating blue popcorn and yelling insults at the army and yelling 'yes!! Let's gooo! NO TO YOUR LEFT!! BEHIND YOUUU!" stuff like that...

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