bEtrAyEd [15]

757 15 9

The lifesavers who are Deya_RoseDZ and -Aqua_Girl-
The names are just-
All credit for the names goes to them and things about the names and stuff. I don't get how people are so creative-

3rd Person PoV
Chaos nodded his head at his commanders.

"Selene, otherwise known as Zoë. Zoë Nightshade." Zoë said, taking her hood down.
Percy almost stumbled back at that, almost.

Next was the one who abandoned our brother! (I still love Bianca tho.)
"Thysia, also known as Bianca di Angelo."

The Anchor........
"Ankyra, or Charles Beckendorf."

And the ✨ spy✨
"Omorphia, Silena Beauregard."

The Battle was won..
"Dillux... but I'm Castor!"
"Lee Fletcher, Gennaios,"


"Lux, Michael Yew!"

Next was Eyepatch boy

"Jack Sparrow." Luke corrected.
"Shut it! It's Sparrow! Don't listen to him! AKA Ethan Nakamura."

And finally.....


"Allen; Luke Castellan...." Luke said a bit unsurely.

"So Katharos-"
He was interrupted by Percy shadow travelling away.
To China.
On Earth.

Percy's PoV

They're supposed to be dead!!

I-I saw them die...
Zoë, Bianca, Silena, Luke, Michael, Castor, Ethan, Lee, Beckendorf.....
I- I caused their deaths.... I am the reason they are- were dead...

Why China?! Of all places I could've gone to.... I appeared in China??
I better get back before they fry me to death-

3rd Person PoV

"Wh-where did he go?" Chaos asked a bit worried.

"Where did who go?" Asked the familiar voice of Percy Jackson.

"You!! Where did you go?" Chaos asked.

"Oh! I just took a 5 second trip to China.. oh schist that's enough for him to find me and them to electrocute, drown, kill, revive and hug me.... Now they'll know where I am and what I-"
"What are you muttering about?!" Luke asked.

"Uhh uhm.... Nothing?" Percy responded.

"Anyways.. now that you know who we are.... We want to know who you are!" Silena said, putting a lot of charmspeak into her words.

"Charmspeak stopped working on me ages ago Silena, you might wanna save your breath." Percy said, avoiding the question.

"Why're you avoiding the question? You can't do that! Now answer the damn question!!" Michael said, frustrated.
"Dam." Zoë and Percy said at the same time.
"Schist!" He cursed.

Zoë gasped.

"Do it. Remove the hood Katharos." Zoë said, recovering from her shock.
"Uh uhm y-you guys and girls d-don't kn-know me..." Percy stuttered.

"So then what's the problem?" Luke was quick to say.
"The problem is that you know me!" He yelled back.

He took a shaky breath in and finally said...

"Fine. You wanna know? I am Percy Jackson. The one who was betrayed. By almost everyone.... Now I would tell you my life story but..... I just don't feel like it! Now you know!" He said.

Everyone was shocked but they hid it well.

"So.... Ka- Percy... will you join my army?" Chaos asked.

"Dam you Chaos.." Percy muttered. "Using my fatal flaw against me.... Fine. I can't say no to.... them."

They let out a sigh of relief.

Sorry that was a bad chapter
Okay so everyone's name and code names and whoever came up with them
Deya for Deya_RoseDZ
Aqua for -Aqua_Girl-

Zoë/Selene - Deya
Bianca/Thysia - Aqua
Silena/Omorphia - Aqua
Ethan/Sparrow - Deya
Lee/Gennaios - Aqua
Luke/Allen - Deya
Michael/Lux - Deya
Beckendorf/Ankyra - Aqua
Castor/Dillux and Ampelos cos he changes it later on - Aqua and Deya
Percy/Katharos - Aqua

They are lifesavers

I know I know it's bad but school has kinda started and they have decided to give a homework overload and expect us to finish it IN A DAY
WE ARE HUMAN TOO (okay maybe we don't act like humans but we still are!)
I feel like I'll write more on saturdays, sundays or fridays
It'll probably be better for me and for whoever is reading this cos I know I'm not good at writing but I like to think I'm not the worst at it either (tho I probably am xD)
Okay what's happening with the font-
It looks cool tho
Okay bai!

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