Zips [16]

726 15 31

My brother is abandoning me 😩. Not really but  yeah

A few years later
Percy is wary of Scarface
Correction: was
He's craving blue cookies
3rd Person PoV

3 years.
That's how long it takes to get Percy to trust you again (If you're Luke)

Chaos sent Luke and Percy on a mission in Zixs.
Well more like Chaos forced Luke to go with Percy and Percy to take Luke.

On that mission they bonded.
They were also bound by vines but they bonded too!

That's how Luke got Percy to open up to him and Percy started trusting Luke again.
By the time they came back to Planet Order (yes I'm calling it planet order. And no order is not the enemy in this one), they acted like bestfriends, brothers you could say.

To say almost everyone was surprised is an understatement.
Beckendorf, Michael and Lee fainted.
Yes, Fainted.

Time skiiipppp
10,000 years lAtEr



Was heard throughout the castle.

"Shit! Umm where should we go? We need to escape Zoë and Ethan's wrath...." Both of them shuddered, remembering what happened last time.

"Yes?" They said meekly. You could hear how much they wanted to laugh and run for their lives.

"HOW-" Zoë was cut off by screaming coming from Beckendorf's room.
Percy and Luke smirked.

"Having fun?" Percy yelled.

And with that; he misted away.
Leaving Luke to fend for himself.

And Luke being Luke, followed Percy.... All the way to Jokilàrd.

Percy's an idiot sometimes but he's always been a genius.
He went to Jokilàrd knowing that it would be the first place Zoë would normally check, but he's gone there so many times Ethan will think he's changed it up so they'll go to Balsxe. Which is in another galaxy.

The only reason they came back to Order was because Chaos summoned them.

"What is it Chaos?" Castor said, sleepily.
"I- I umm.... Y-you have a- a new m-mission...." Chaos stuttered out.

"Who all are going?" Bianca asked.
"All of you." "All of us?" Silena asked. "All of you.." Chaos confirmed.
"Okay and who are we fighting...?" Asked Luke.

"Uh uhm..."
"Where?" Percy finally asked.
"What?" "I asked where we're going."
"Uhm... youregoingtoearthimsosorryiknowipromisedbuttheyneedyou!" Chaos said.

"Can you repeat that please? Slower this time." Michael said.
Chaos took a deep breath and said, "Planet.... Planet 3..."

"Planet three..... CHAOS!!!! We are NOT going to Planet 3!!! Of all planets....." Lee shouted out.
"Lee calm do- where's Percy?" Castor said.

"Luke?" Chaos asked. "Fine... but if I die.. I will not be coming to your funerals and I shall haunt you!" Luke muttered.

Luke's PoV

"Perce? You here?" I whispered.

This is his favourite place. Always has been. It's a small space in a crack in his wall; but when you enter, it's a cosy room with a beanbag, a table and chair along with some books.

Everything was blue of course! I remember helping decorate this room with him.

I heard Percy hyperventilating in the corner.

"Hey, hey Perce it's okay, I'm here. You're safe. I got you. I'm here." I said as I ran over to him.
"I-I can't go back... I-" "I know, I know."

Percy has PTSD
From Tartarus.
And them

They didn't notice he had PTSD.
Only Leo noticed it because he had nothing better to do.
Nico noticed it when he got back.
Thalia electrocuted everyone when she noticed.
Grover made vines grow when he Percy came back.

Four people.
Four people noticed out of hundreds.


The Stolls knew something was wrong but they didn't know it was PTSD.
Reyna was busy with her Praetor duties but she knew something was wrong too.
Will knew of course but he didn't say anything.

After so many years, Chaos is asking him, us to go back there.

The best thing we can do is act cold toward them.

We don't even know who we're up against.

After Percy calmed down we went to Chaos' office.

"When. Who and Why." Percy said with no emotion in his voice.
I hate it when he does this.
Shuts himself off.

From everyone.

He hates it too but that's his way of coping. Along with eating blue things.

"As soon as possible, Gaia, Tartarus and Nyx's earth sides and well.... The gods."
Chaos said without missing a beat.

"An hour." Percy said in the same cold tone. "The sooner we get this over with, the better.." he said sadly.

Okay this chapter is bad tooo
So these are the couples

Luke x Percy
Bianca x Zoë
Ethan x Lee
Michael x Castor
Silena x Beckendorf
Chaos x Order

Oh and they're already together. All of them
Okay bye.

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