Annabitch has a disease [17]

801 19 28

Okay first off
No siriusly how?!
Okay um I'm on a half sugar rush
So this chapter is gonna be weird or bad or both

Also how in The Fates names did I get 150 followers?!
Half of them are like Turkish which is weird cos I don't read Turkish stuff-


i am so sorry that you have to endure my sugar rush
Okay okay here ya gooo!

3rd Person PoV
People are PISSED
Percy almost blew up 5 planets
Luckily he only blew up 3 deserted ones
I want blue marshmallows-
My brother isn't getting these marshmallows back



Let the Drama unfold...

Cue thunder 🌩

Cue Shadow-Bending!

Cue Chaos!!! and his commanders

"WHO DARES INTERRUPT ME?!?!!" Zeus Thunderpants thundered (pun was very much intended)

"IT IS I.............. BATMAN!!!!" Percy said back in a dramatic tone.

Hermes laughed.

So did all the people who had a sense of humour.

"Who are you.....?" Athena asked, surveying the commanders.

Okay maybe I should explain what this whole thing looks like before I get to my awesome storytelling *dramatically flips hair*

The third person is an actual person
Not a point of view
A character
Different people have the same name
Right now it's
Okay I wanna name her Emma or Gemma for some reason soooo  HE is gonna be called 'Gummy'
Why? I have no clue why he's called gummy.

So it was a normal meeting.
Zeus was failing at making up excuses for Hera......He should leave that to Hermes
I'm getting second hand embarrassment at how bad he is.......
Athena and Ares are arguing and yelling.
Apollo, Hades, Hestia and Hermes are all huddled in a corner; discussing......... stuff
Dionysus is sleeping.... We're not surprised
Artemis was listening to Ares and Athena argue.
Demeter and Persephone were talking about how many people eat and don't eat cereal.
Hephaestus was making his own stuff... doing his thing!
Am I missing anyone.......

Mmmmm no don't think so!!!

Oh! Right! Mr. I had a perfectly good son but had to ruin it all and lose his trust and loyalty which is his fatal flaw.
AKA......... pOsEIdOn
The Greek god of water, seas, oceans, earthshaker.... Blah no one cares blah....
Yeah he was moping around.
Probably lost a bet.

A few demigods were there too!

Nico, Reyna, Hazel, Annabitch, Frank, The Stolls, Leo, Grover, Thalia, Jason, Clarisse, Katie, Will.

Nico, Leo, Thalia, Grover and Clarisse were huddled in the same corner that had Hestia, Hermes, Hades and Apollo.
Everyone else were sitting by their parents' thrones.

Okay you got the gist of what it looks like.
Let's hurry it up!! I wanna tell you the best part before she ruins it.

"Who are you...." Athena asked, again.
"Living organisms." Percy replied.

Athena looked offended for some strange reason.
"Do you know who we are?!" Screeched the thing called Annabitc- sorry... Annabeth.
"Maybe I do.... Maybe I don't.." Percy said while Zoë said "Do you know who we are?!" at the same time.

"Yes!" Annabeth said confidently.

"Mhm suuuree....... Who are we?" Luke asked.

"You- y- you are..... ugh!" Annabeth groaned; frustrated that she didn't know the answer.

"W-we-we are.......... Chaos!!!" Luke directed the last part of the sentence towards the Creator.

"Lights!" Percy yelled dramatically.

"Cameras!!!" Luke yelled in the same way.

"......... Action!" Silena finished.

"All hail...... The Creator!!!" Castor said.

"The Person of the Universe....." Lee continued.

"Lord Chaos!" Michael finished.

"Guuuyyssss!!!! I told you not to do that!! It's embarrassing!" Chaos whined.
"No matter how many times you do that........ we're never gonna listen Milord!" Bianca said.

"I hate you guys." Chaos stated. "Don't lie to yourself Chaos; you love us!" Ethan said a bit too cheerfully.

Annabitch coughed.

Percy gasped.
"GET AWAY FROM MEE!!!! YOU HAVE AN INFECTION!!! I DO NOT WANT TO GET WHATEVER HORRID DISEASE YOU HAVE!!!" Percy said dramatically but meaning every single word he said at the same time.

*Insert dramatic Percy*

*Insert Annabitch hating*

*Insert stuff*

Okay so apparently I can't narrate anymore because "We need a change of PoV because I'm getting bored." The person literally just said that!!

Hmph!! I thought I was your favourite!

Okay I just realised I didn't publish this last night and-
I think I'm gonna stick with the whole '3rd Person is an actual person' thing

Sugar crash me is more creative than normal me....
I wrote this in the middle of a sugar rush and crashing-

It's umm something

Okay hope y'all have an amazhang life!!

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