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The start of another week in this hellhole, even though it beats living with abusive parents, it still sucks. We usually get a lot of new students, but lately our numbers haven't changed. Until today.

As I walk down the isle to a row of lockers, one of them being mine, an unusual face catches my attention. A new guy. Tall, strong, brown hair and eyes, and a small cut along his brow. Wonder what he did to get here, I think to myself.

I watch him open a locker, it coincidentally being next to my own. I look around at all the other students, how they glare at him as they pass. I'm sure half of them did much worse things than he did, myself included. 

I walk to my locker, glancing quickly at the boy, unsure of how he'll react. "Hello," he says and I look up at him. The poor thing looks scared to death. I smile at him. "Hi! You're new I'm guessing." He looks relieved and nods. "I'm Marcus," he says, extending a hand, which I shake. "I'm y/n." I let go of his hand, which is much larger than mine, and let mine fall down to my side. 

I open my mouth to say something when I'm interrupted. Maria squeals and starts chatting intently to Marcus. Just as usual she always diverts the attention to herself. Who can blame her? When you have a shitty childhood like ours, you crave attention. Although Maria gets enough of it already from her psycho boyfriend Chico. Wherever Maria is, he is and he fucking scares me.

 I hear footsteps and a gasp, turning around to see Chico looming over me. I watch his gaze shift to Marcus.

I look back at my books, then close my eyes when I hear a sudden boom. I hate loud noises, violence even more, which is ironic since I'm in a school for assassins. 

When Chico and Maria leave I look to my left, only to see Marcus drenched in what smells like Cola, his books scattered on the floor. I bend down and pick them up for him, handing him a cloth from my bag. He takes it with a sigh, his books getting heavy in my arms. 

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods. "I guess. Although I might not be after school. I got myself into this fight with Chico." My mouth falls open and I gape at him. "You're an idiot. You know that the rules here are different. They don't stop you from killing each other. And on your first day? You're looking for an express ticket to hell." 

He takes his books from me and I fold my arms. The bell rings and I sigh. "I have to go, but I'll see you around. Take care of yourself. I want to see all four limbs at lunch." With that I turn around and make my way to class.


It's been two months since I first met Marcus and we've grown close, very close. He introduced me to his friends and I've been hanging out with them ever since. I like them, all of them, just because they're fun and they make life around here seem not so bad.

I'm sitting on the roof, my feet dangling off the edge. "You're not gonna jump are you?" I whip my head around and smile as Marcus approaches. "No." He stands with his arms folded. "Could you get away from the edge please?" he asks and I smirk. "No." He takes a step closer. "C'mon y/n. Get down. Now." I don't and stay where I am. "Get the fuck down from there," he pleads and I jump down. "Happy?" He nods and we sit on the hard cement of the roof.

 I hear a loud noise and look up, frightened. Thunder. Just my luck.

Another loud rumble and I look up again. "Are you okay?" Marcus inquires and I shake my head. "Is it the thunder?" he asks and I nod. I clear my throat, might as well come clean. "When I still lived with my parents they used to hurt me. A lot. And they would fire guns and break bottles, making all kinds of noise. And I don't like loud noises, especially thunder. I can't help it, but I think of them when I hear it." 

Marcus frowns and moves closer. Another flash of lightning and I jump, fear inching it's way into my system. Flashes of my mom and dad flit across my vision and I close my eyes. Suddenly, two hands cup my ears and I open my eyes to see Marcus's hands covering my ears. He pulls me close to him, squeezing me tightly. 

I start to tear up, no one has done something like this for me, ever, and here Marcus is helping my get rid of the loud noise. He picks me up, I don't even know how he still kept his hands on my ears, and takes me back to my dorm.

He sits down on the bed and I wrap my arms around his torso. After a while he takes his hands off my ears and looks down at me. "It's over now," he whispers and smile up at him. "That's the kindest thing someone has ever done for me," I whisper back and he smiles. 

"Can I try something?" he asks and I sit up straight. I nod and he leans towards me. The space between us vanishes and it's just the two of us. Two passionate young people, needing each other badly. 

We kiss until we both need air and I smile at him. "I-" I start, but he holds a finger to my lips. "I love you y/n with every fiber of my being and I'm not asking you to love me back. I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. I've loved you since the first day we met, when you were the first person who was kind to me, the first person to notice me, not because I burned down the orphanage. You noticed me." He puts a hand on his hart, tears fill my eyes

"I love you too Marcus, much more than you think. I'd love to be your girlfriend. You're the only person who I've shared my past with, you helped me." 

He pulls me into a hug and I soon fall asleep in his arms, the worries about past events not bothering me for once. 

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