-Late Night Talking-

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I sit with my legs crossed on a chair by the table in the library. It's late and there's only one other person here, a boy with dark curly hair and a scar across his face. He looks familiar, but I can't remember from where.

He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back and continue reading the book I started. It's called Call Me By Your Name and it's one of the saddest yet most beautiful books I've ever read. I slowly flip the page when I hear footsteps and I look up. The curly haired boy is standing right in front of me and pulls out a chair. He sits down and asks, "You don't mind, do you?" I shake my head with a small smile. 

"I'm Marcus," he says and extends a hand. I shake it saying, "Y/n, nice to meet you." I let go of his hand and close my book. "That's a really pretty name." I turn slightly pink and thank him. "I saw you sitting here earlier and you're the only who hasn't left, besides myself, so I thought that maybe we could talk a bit," he says with a shrugs. "Honestly, I was getting kinda bored so feel free to ask me anything."

He folds his hands and tilts his head a bit to the left. The little gesture is cute. "Tell me a bit about yourself, y/n. Why are you here?" I suck in a breath. I did say that he could ask me anything. 

"I've been a trained assassin since the age of seven and I've...done some stuff I'm not proud of. I've tried to stay away from all of those kind of things by entertaining myself with books and music. What about you? You seem very familiar." He raises his eyebrows and clears his throat. "I was homeless for some time, but before that I was in a boys home and well...I burned it down."

I watch as he looks down at his hands. "I killed quite a lot of those poor boys just so that I could get out. I'm honestly a bad person." I shake my head. "I don't believe there's a thing like bad people, only people that do bad things."

He looks up at me and smiles. "I like your thinking." I smile at him and fold my arms leaning slightly forwards. "Ask me something." He grins. "Favorite song?" I return the grin and say, "Asleep by The Smiths." His mouth falls open and he then closes it quickly when I start laughing at him. "Mine too." 

And we kept talking about the most random things until late that night and onto the early morning. 

I yawn and rest my head on my arms. "You tired, y/n?" I nod and I feel something press against the top of my head. I look up and see that Marcus is leaning forward. He kissed the top of my head. My stomach fills with butterflies and I turn bright pink. 

"Lemme take you back to your dorm, get some sleep." I smile and close my eyes, drifting off as Marcus picks me up and takes me back to my dorm. 

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my life's been pretty chaotic, but I'm glad I'm back. Anyways I'm starting again with this short one, but I'll update more frequently. Love y'all. <33

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