-Snow fight-

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I wake up to the sound of light tapping against my window. I push myself onto my forearms, shuddering as my blanket falls away from me. It's cold, very cold, and as I look out the window I realize that the slight tapping is snow.

I stand up, pulling on my slippers and walking to the window, placing a hand on the cold glass. I look up and smile. The roads and trees are covered in white. Even in a place like this there is always something to make it beautiful. 

I shower, change and throw a scarf around my neck. I run down the hall and knock on Marcus's dorm door. It opens and he stands with a smile on his face. He pulls me inside, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tightly against him.

"You look so cute in scarves, you should wear them more often," he says, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Mm sure." I notice two children running down the street, laughing. I suddenly get an idea. 

"Wanna have a snowball fight?" I ask and he grins. "Obviously. Race you outside!" He let's go of me and darts out the room. I laugh at the man-child I'm dating. 

When we make it outside he runs to a large heap of snow and starts forming little balls in his hands. I do the same and pick one up, throwing it at his back. He turns around and chuckles. "You have started a war malady." He takes a snowball and throws it at me. It hits my arm and I laugh.

We continue throwing each other with snowballs until I run after him and slip on ice, falling onto my back. Marcus runs towards me, bending over me with a worried expression plastered on his face. I take a snowball and press it into his face and he yelps, wiping the snow away. 

"Really? In my fucking face?" He falls down next to me and we both burst out laughing. I start to move my arms and legs up and down, creating a snow angel. He does too and we both laugh at how cliché our day has been.

When we finally go back inside to Marcus's dorm, he makes us hot chocolate and tastes amazing. "Your nose is pink. Are you cold? Do you want a jumper? Or a blanket?" Marcus asks getting up, but I tell him to sit down.

"I'm fine. I would like a hug though," I say and he instantly has his arms around me, pulling me into him. I smile, nuzzling my face into his chest. I can feel his entire body smile and we stay like that until we eventually fall asleep.

Today was amazing. Cold, but amazing nonetheless. 

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