-Drunk Call-

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A/n- Hey :)) How's everybody ? So for this imagine we're just gonna pretend that phones existed in 1984. K bye <3

'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash is always Mister Right. Cause we are living in a material world and I am a material girl'

I sing along to my favorite Madonna song, she recently became a hit and I love her music, even though it's Pop. I'm lying on my bed, finishing some homework. I don't know where my friends are, they're probably at a party or something. I could call them, but I honestly like being alone for a change.

I finally finished my work and close my book, throwing it on the floor beside my bed and swinging my body around, my legs now dangle off of the side of the bed. I reach down, pick up my book and stuff it into my bag. 

I skip onto the next song, getting so easily bored with the song playing, when my phone rings. I walk to my bed and pick it up, checking the screen to see who it is. Marcus.

I pick up and bring the phone to my ear. All I can hear is loud music and laughing.

"Hello?" I ask. There's no answer so I ask again. "Hello? Marcus?"

I can hear someone clear their throat and Marcus speaks up. "Heyyyyyy y/n. Whatcha doinggg?" he slurs and I sigh. A drunk call.

"I'm at school. Where are you?" I ask. I can hear him laugh and he shouts something inaudible to someone.

"Saya took us to this club. It's fucking fantastic. Listen, I called you to-" he burps, cutting himself off and I giggle. "I called to tell you that I fucking  love you and that I think you're beautiful and the most amazing person I've ever known." I smile even though he can't see it. He always makes the weirdest jokes. "I love you too idiot." 

It's silent and I almost would've thought he hung up had it not been for the music playing at the club. "No, you don't understand. I really do love you." My mouth falls open slightly and he hangs up the phone, just like that.

Time Skip

There's a knock on my door and I walk across the room to open it. It's Marcus. He looks sick and tired. He should be after how drunk he was last night. 

He follows me back into my room and falls onto the bed. "You don't have any aspirin do you. I have a killer headache." I nod and rush to my cupboard, pulling out a small box of medicines and searching for aspirin. I find some and hand it to him. 

"I need to tell you something y/n," Marcus says very seriously. I look up at him and nod. "About the call last night," he says and I shift. I thought about it a lot last night, whether it was just him being drunk or if he actually felt that way. 

"I know you were just drunk. I won't say anything, don't worry," I say with a fake smile. He shakes his head and scoots closer to me. "No, I did mean it. I just didn't expect to say it in that state of mind. I wanted to tell you that I meant every single word I said. I love you."

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