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I sit down on the couch in Shabnam's living room. He's throwing this big party and surprisingly everyone came. 

A bottle falls to the floor, breaking. I jump at the noise and look to my left, glass is strewn on the floor. I look back in front of me, only to be met by a very naked Victor. I look away from his dick. God what fucking school am I in? I think to myself. 

I sigh and shake my head when someone sits down next to me. A middle-aged man, drunk and high, is watching the rest of the people dance and talk, just as I was a moment ago. 

"Want any pot?" he asks and I shake my head. Drugs scare me out of my fucking mind, so I try to stay away from them as much as possible. 

"Why not. I'm fucking loaded!" I clear my throat moving to the side of the couch. "I'm good thank you." 

A loud thud catches my attention and a red dildo, well the top half, is lying on the table in front of me. It's fucking disgusting how these people act.

I spot Marcus across the room and wave at him. He smiles softly and waves back, returning to his conversation with Billy. I've always liked Marcus, ever since he got here. He's pretty nice and I like how he stands up for everyone. I like him a lot. 

I look at the drink in my hand, but set it down. My attention has been else where and the guy next to me could've put something in it. 

I'm about to stand up when I'm face to face with a stoned, still naked Victor. 

"Do you mind putting that away?" I ask and he chuckles. "I am proud of dick. It is large, yes?" I roll my eyes and stand up about to walk away, but he grabs my arm. 

"Let go of me!" He releases his hand and holds them up. "Good bye." He falls onto the couch and I head outside.

I can't deal with this music and the people. I just want to go home.

The cold, night air hits me and I start to shiver.

"Should've brought a jacket," I say to myself.

"You can borrow mine."

I spin around and look up at Marcus. 

"Oh uh...you don't have to."

I really want his jacket, but I don't want to seem rude. Thankfully he hands it to me.


I put the jacket on, taking in the smell of strong cologne with a hint of cigarettes. The smell of the cigarettes is there, but not so strong that it makes you gag. It smells nice.

"I saw your encounter with Victor. First lady that didn't instantly give him a blow-job." I chuckle. "Yeah, he's not really my type." He smiles. "Oh yeah. Who's your type?"


I swallow. Now or never I guess. 

"Tall, curly hair, kind, awkward, used to be homeless, scars across his body."

He smirks.

"Sounds dreamy."

I giggle.

"What about you?" I ask. He hasn't let me down yet. My fingers are mentally crossed.

He stays quiet and I think I did something wrong.


My stomach is filled with butterflies and does a flip. 

He puts his hand under my chin, tilting my head up towards him. 

"I-" I start, but get cut off.

"I really like you y/n."

I can't stop the smile spreading on my face. 

"I like you too Marcus." 

For a moment it's really quiet and my heart thuds loudly and quickly in my ears. He starts to lean in and I close my eyes, leaning in as well. 

Our lips are inches apart, touching ever so lightly. 

We're about to kiss.

"Heyyyy! Looksy here Lex! We gots a couple of romancers here," Billy slurs, making us pull away. Lex leans onto the wall, slipping. "Can we watch you guys?" he asks and I blush.

They ruined the moment, but at least I know that Marcus likes me back. 

The two boys turn around and leave and Marcus calls after them. Jus before he leaves he whispers, "I'll kiss you someday." 

My heart flutters, his voice send shivers down my spine. I never could have imagined this. Ever.

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