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Marcus's POV

Parties are not my thing, but ever since that legacies guy asked y/n to come to the party, it's all I can think about. Who does he think he is asking my y/n out? And why hasn't she realized that's she's mine and mine only. 

I arrive at the party and enter the house. The music can be heard from across the street. I enter the house and look for y/n, she'll probably be with Petra. I find Petra and Billy sitting in front of the kitchen, talking and approach them.

"Have either of you seen y/n?" I ask and they smirk. "Woah calm down there Marcus. She's in the bathroom, but no need to rush anything. She'll be out in a sec," Billy says. Petra and Billy exchange a glance. Petra winks at Billy and he shakes his head. "Her date is in the living room."

I frown and leave the two, making my way to the bar.

I grab a drink and take out a cigarette, light it and take a long puff. Y/n walks out of the bathroom wearing a tight, black dress that is too fucking short for my liking. I watch her go to the living room and stand up. 

I make my way to the living room, almost bumping into a very drunk and very naked Victor. I find y/n and stand against the wall, gripping my cup tighter as her date places a hand on her shoulder. 

They dance a bit before her date leaves to get a drink, if I heard correctly. Now it's time to make some things very clear. I make my way to y/n, throwing my cup away. Her back is toward me and I place my hands on her hips, pulling her towards me. 

She turns around and I keep my grip on her waist. "Wha-Marcus? What the fuck are you doing?" I stare down at her and her expression changes, she looks as though she had a jump scare. "What are you doing with him?" I ask, not breaking my gaze or loosening my grip on her. 

She swallows and opens her mouth, exactly the reaction I wanted. "Dancing." She looks down and I cup her chin with my left hand, making her look up. "Oh really. Well you're not gonna do that anymore." She blinks twice and nods. 

"You're mine and only mine. Got it?" She nods, but it's not enough. "Tell me." She opens her mouth. "Yes Marcus." I smile, wrapping my arms around her. "Now that that's settled. I promise to always protect you." She nods, smiling slightly. 

"What's wrong. Do you not want to be with me." My stomach drops, but I feel fine when she says, "Of course I want to be with you. It's just I never imagined you would like me. Plus that was kinda scary Marcus." I frown. "I'm sorry. I was just really mad."

She rests her head on my chest. "It's okay. It was very hot." I smirk, playing with her hair.

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