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I groan, throwing my head back and rubbing at my eyes. I am so tired and the upcoming Poisons test is not helping at all. I sit up straight and fiddle with my pencil. I can hear Marcus lazily scrape his pencil over his paper and I turn to him. He looks so focused and I don't want to bother him, he's been doing so well at school lately.

I watch how his veins pop out of his hand when he pulls his hand down or writes something with a curve. He has such good posture. I sit up straighter myself and turn back to my work. 

I rest my head on my hand and continue writing. Thankfully the test is only in a few days. I close my eyes. I am so tired. I can feel myself drifting off, but I'm not going to stop myself.

Marcus's POV

I finish the chapter and close my book. I thin we could use a break. I put my pencil down and turn to y/n with a smile, only to see her on her arms, fast asleep. I smile and walk to her, she did say she was tired earlier. 

I put a hand on her back and rub small circles all around, knowing very well that it always wakes her up. She opens her eyes, making a soft noise. She looks up at me and smiles, closing her eyes again. 

"Y/n, wake up. C'mon," I whisper and she groans. I pull out the chair, carefully picking her up. She's so light it's almost concerning. She wraps her arms around my torso and rests her face against my chest. 

She's so beautiful when she's asleep, just like an angel. I lay her down on my bed, pulling the covers over her and lying down next to y/n. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. I know she loves when I do that, it makes her feel safe. 

I am never going to let anyway hurt her, no matter what happens between us. She's the most amazing thing that has happened to me and I'm not going to let anyone ruin that. 

Y/n's POV

I wake up feeling two strong arms wrapped around my middle. I turn my head and see Marcus fast asleep next to me. I smile and kiss his forehead. His eyes open and smiles back at me. I turn around so that I'm facing him and snuggle into him. Thank the Lord it's Friday today. 

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