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I push the pause button on my Walkman, taking off my headset and placing it on the table. I push my chair out and stand up, stretching my arms and legs. I've been studying for the past hour and I think I'm going to go to Marcus's dorm. 

We've been going out for a while now and he's so sweet, I love him. I push my chair back into it's spot under my table and leave my room, closing the door behind me. I start my walk down the long, familiar corridor to Marcus's dorm, tracing my hand on the wall. 

When I reach his dorm I stop. I can hear two voices talking. One I am so familiar with and another. A female voice. She has a thick Hispanic accent and after a few more seconds of listening I identify the voice. Maria. 

I feel a bit uneasy, knowing there's history between Marcus and Maria. I fold my arms over my chest, leaning against the door, listening. 

"Y/n...What if she finds out?" 

"She won't Arguello. I'm not going to say anything."

"I don't like this, keeping this from her."

"Ugh you're so full of it. It's better if she doesn't know." 

I swallow hard. What could be that important that he can't even tell me. Unless there's something going on between them. No, Marcus wouldn't cheat. I hear the voices again, this time louder, as if they're fighting. 

"No Maria! I don't like this!"

"Don't you understand? This is for her own good and you know that! It's not my fault you're so close. That wasn't part of the plan!" 

I gasp, bringing a hand to my face and cover my mouth. I turn around, eyes watering and rush back to my room. I slam the door and sit down against the wall. 

Everything we have together is a big lie. Like Maria said, a part of their plan. I was so stupid to think that, even after everything that's happened to me and everyone else in this school, someone would still be able to love me. Guess I was wrong. 

There's a knock on my door and I don't answer. After another knock and a few more seconds of waiting, it opens and Marcus stands with his arms folded. When he sees me on the floor he rushes towards me and I can't help, but feel a little better now that he's here. But then I remember everything.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he asks, stroking my hair. I should stop him, but something in me finds it so comforting when he does that. 

"I don't know Marcus. Maybe you should ask Maria what's the next part of the plan. Definitely not our relationship." 

Fresh tears wet my cheeks and Marcus looks confused when his expression changes. "That wasn't about you." I look up at him. I really want to believe him. 

"It didn't sound like it." He sighs and cups my cheeks, wiping my tears. "I know. I came here to tell you about everything. It's about Saya. Lin wants us to try and keep her here. Apparently the Kuroki Syndicates have been saying that's she wants to go back to her family." I swallow the lump in my throat. 

"Then what did Maria mean that you two grew close and that it wasn't part of the plan?" I look up into his yes, knowing he's only speaking the truth. "We were never meant to become friends. We're supposed to stop her by any means necessary...I can't do that to a friend." 

I nod. Marcus takes my hands and helps me to my feet, wrapping his arms around me and hugging tightly. 

"I'm sorry," I say and he kisses the top of my head. "It's okay. Just remember that I would never, ever use you or just have you be a small part of my plan." I nod and we stay wrapped around each other.

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