-Fix That Skirt-

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Okay so I got the idea for this one from a tiktok, but I can't remember the username, so credits to whoever made it!!!

I pull my skirt down and uncomfortably walk down the school halls. I can feel eyes on me and I keep bringing my skirt down. I didn't have to time do laundry, so I'm currently stuck with a very small skirt that I borrowed from a very small Hessian. 

I open my locker door and grab my books, turning around to see Marcus Lopez Arguello staring at me with a weird look in his eyes. He's looking right into my eyes and shakes his head, walking off. Marcus and I aren't friends. At all. The first day he got here he was very insulting and since then we haven't been particularly nice to each other in any way.

The bell rings and I hurry to class, weary of my skirt lifting as I run. I arrive at Master Lin's class and he eyes me up and down before sighing and letting me pass. I walk past a group of boys and I can feel them stare at my ass. One of them even says, "She's looking for a fuck, I'm telling you." 

I sigh and sit down, placing a book on my lap to try and cover my legs. Sometimes helping half of the school's staff with school shit and not being able to afford to laundry every fucking day can really fuck with you.

Time Skip

The bell rings, signaling the end of another period and the start of lunch. I'm really not looking forward to this, so I grab my food quickly and rush off to my room. 

On my way I bump into Marcus, almost spilling my food on his shirt. "Watch it!" I yell angrily before storming off. I reach my room, open the door and walk to my bed. I sit down and take a bite of my food before closing my eyes and sighing. 

Marcus's POV

"Watch it!" Y/n yells before rushing off to what can only be her room. I watch her and I can't help looking at her legs. I shake my head before turning around and walking off. That bitch.

Today she's been walking around in the shortest skirt I have ever seen. It's all the guys have been talking about and it infuriates me. One, most of these guys think they can fuck her and call her a slut because of the skirt and two, she's mine. 

So, I'm going to fucking break and bruise anyone that even has a vile thought about her and I'm going to confront her about it later to make some things clear. 

Time Skip

I spot y/n putting her books in her locker. My hands are sore and red. I said I would hurt people if they called her a slut or talked about fucking her. I stuck to my word. A teenage boy's mind is a disgusting place when tempted. 

I walk over to her. 


Y/n's POV

"Y/n" I slam my locker door shut and turn around, staring up at Marcus. "What do you want?" I ask and he puts two bloody hands on the lockers beside my head, trapping me in between his arms. 

"Got into a fight?" He clears his throat. "I had to beat up several guys because they were looking at you and saying things about you. More than you can count. Fix that skirt. Your mine and I don't like other people staring at what belongs to me." 

I gulp and he opens his mouth. "Do you understand me?" I nod and immediately pull down at my skirt, making him chuckle. "Good."

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