-Pushed Away-

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The halls of King's Dominion are quiet. Everyone is out doing assignments, getting high or having sex. 

I spot my friend Marcus, a good-hearted guy with a lot of guts, and smile. 

"Hey Marcus-" I start, but he stops me.

"Just stop y/n." 

He continues walking and I frown. He might be having a bad day. Come to think of it, ever since we had a long talk last Friday night he's changed. We were talking about ourselves and our lives and we stayed up all night. We had the best time that night. I don't remember saying anything hurtful or rude.

I spot Billy and start to head towards him. We start talking about the most random things when Marcus joins us and turns to Billy, raising a brow. And just like that they leave. Is there a problem with me?

I ignore it, they probably have something important to discuss. I head back to my dorm, closing the door and playing music on a speaker I found.

A few hours later

I head out to get some lunch, stopping by the comic store that we all hang out at. It's cold out and it's cozy in the store, almost like a library you see in movies, only filled with action figures and t-shirts.

I spot Marcus at the counter and wave. He looks at me then back at the kid in front of him, paying for a comic. 

He says something to the kid and walks towards me. 

I open my mouth, but close it when he starts speaking. 

"You need to leave."

I'm confused as to why I should be doing that. 

"Why?" I asked, eager to hear the explanation. 

"We're closing." 

I frown. There's still four people here. Well one just left so now it's three; myself, the kid and Marcus.

I sigh.

"Fine. I'm sorry." I head outside and the cold air hits me face.

I know something's up with Marcus. He's usually so kind and warm, but ever since Friday he's been cold and serious. Did I make him this way? Did I do something?

Marcus's POV

I watch through the window as y/'s small body walks down the street. I want to stop, tell her that I'm sorry, but I can't.

Ever since Friday I've felt different about y/n. I don't like the idea of being vulnerable to one person, but I can't stand the fact that I might not even be who she wants to be with. I came up with the idea of pushing her away and maybe my feelings will leave too. It's hard and I know I'm going to hurt her, if not already.

Two days later

It's just me, y/n and Billy in the library. I told him not to bring her along because I almost completely left her alone and know she's all I can think about.

The way her hair falls into her face when she bends her head down and how the sunlight gives her eyes a golden tint. 

"Hey you know what my resentment is?" Billy asked and we both looked at him.

"Skaters that turn into rock stars." Y/n laughs and I keep myself from smiling at her.

"Mine would probably be bullying. It's just awful," y/n says and I roll my eyes. Even though we have the same resentment.

Before I can stop myself the word fall from my lips. 

 "Whore," I say and her face falls. Billy stand up and leaves. 


"You know what Marcus. You're a fucking hypocrite. You say you stand up for people and you hate bullies, but you know what? Fuck you! All you have done the last few days is making me feel worthless...nothing. I'm sorry if I did something or said something to offend you! Could you just please tell me what I did so that I can fix myself?"

I'm such a stupid asshole. The words start to pour out of my mouth and I mean every single word.

Your POV

"You know what you did? You made me feel things! Ever since Friday night I haven't stopped thinking about you. It's making me go insane. I hate the fact that I'm afraid of not being with you, but I also hated the fact that I was vulnerable. I started pushing you away thinking I could get rid of the feelings, but they didn't, they only grew. "

I stare into his eyes that are one the verge of tearing up.

"Well say something. Please?"

I take in a deep breath. 

"Kiss me."

Marcus's POV

"Kiss me."

And that's what I did.

We pull away and I stare down at her, her cheeks are pink and she's smiling.

"I have feelings for you too Marcus."

My stomach does a flip and I kiss her again.

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