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A/n - Okay so I know the last one wasn't soooo good, but I just started. I'm trying to get better at this. Promise!

Another little gathering on the roof, more drunk students and even less virgins. We're all going to shit. I look over my shoulder and watch Maria and Chico making out, gagging at the scene. When I look back in front of me I'm face to face with one of my closest friends, Marcus.

"Hey Marcus," I say, taking the cigarette out of his hand and squishing it with my shoe. "What the fuck dude! I was gonna smoke that." I fold my arms and narrow my eyes at him. "It's bad for you." He grunts and grabs my arm, leading me away from the crowd.

We sit on the edge of the roof, my feet dangling in the air, swaying ever so slightly. "What's wrong?" I ask and he looks confused. "Huh?" he replies and I sigh. "Why are we sitting here and not having fun back there?" He frowns and I feel bad. He probably just wants to talk. "I'm sorry." He looks alarmed at my sudden guilty expression and puts his hand on mine, probably without meaning to. Goosebumps spread a long the area where his hand is.

"No, no it's fine. really. We can go back!" He shifts his feet and stands up. "Oh no! I wasn't having a lot of fun back there anyway. Sit down." He does and we immediately start talking about comics and music and all of those types of things.

Time skip 

After an hour of talking I look out at the sunset, how the different colors mix and I smile. I feel something on my hand and look down, it's Marcus's pinky finger on mine. I blush slightly and we slowly move our hands together until they're intertwined.

I move closer, resting my head on his shoulder and sigh. "Wanna get out of here?" he asks and I nod. We make our way to the staircase and go to his dorm. He closes the door and I look around. I turn back around and Marcus's hand cups my cheek, pulling me closer. 

I can feel his hot breath fanning on my face and I close my eyes. Our lips meet and things get heated very quickly. 

Marcus lifts off my shirt and I do his. Once it's off he stops and pulls away. I stare at him, taking in his tanned perfect physique. I spot little scars all over his body and he tries to cover them. I understand now why he always wears a long sleeved shirt under his t-shirt, he's insecure of his scars. 

I move towards him and he opens his mouth, but I stop him, tracing a finger across his scars, planting a soft kiss on each of them. I wrap my arms around his torso and he sighs. "I think you're perfect." He rests his chin on my head. 

"I know, but I don't." 

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