-On Set-

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A/n- So I think I'll do a few imagines on ben too, but if you don't want me too i wont. i just wanted to try one. btw ben is obviously not married and has no children in this imagine. k bye<3

Today is the first day of many long months of filming and I'm super excited. My friends helped me get all my shit together and I auditioned for the roll of Tracy, a sassy, sarcastic, super smart teenager that befriends the main protagonist, Marcus, and they fall in love later on in the series. 

I know all my lines and I've met some of the cast already. I really like Lana Condor and I loved her character, Lara-Jean, in To All The Boys I've Loved Before. I also met Liam, he's very funny and when Luke arrived they instantly hit it off.

Currently I'm sitting in the make-up trailer, getting ready for the first day. It's so exciting that I get to be in the first episode already. The door to the trailer opens and a tall, curly-haired guy walks in and sits down in the chair next to mine, labelled Benjamin Wadsworth. Holy shit he's playing Marcus. 

He looks at me and smiles. I return the smile. "Hi!" he says with a lot of excitement. "Hi!" I say with same amount of energy. "I'm so excited. Are you?" I nod hastily and extend a hand. "I'm y/n." He shakes it and says, "Benjamin."

We immediately start talking about ourselves and I basically freak out when he tells me about how he met Dylan O'Brien and that he worked with him for a short while. I must say, he's quite good-looking and he's funny. I think I like him the most out of everyone I've met so far.

Three Months Later

A lot has happened since the first day on set and sometimes I just want to quit. It's a lot of effort learning all the different fighting steps and keeping up with the whack routine. One good thing is that I've made a lot of new friends and I've grown especially close with Benjamin. 

Today I'm quite nervous, since it's Tracy and Marcus's first kiss. I like Ben, I have feelings for him, and kissing him would be amazing, but doing it in front of a bunch of crew members and cameras is going to be quite awkward. 

I'm walking in between the trailers to the make-up trailer when someone grabs my arm and pulls me behind a trailer. I would scream if it weren't for the fact that Benjamin was the one that pulled me. 

"What the fuck is going on in your head. Let me tell you! Zilch! You don't do that to someone. Jeez." I look up at Ben, hand on my heart from the sudden fright and he's smiling shyly. I change my expression and stare up at him. 

"What's got you all flustered, pretty boy?" I ask and he takes a step closer, making my knees grow weak and my heartbeat rise to a faster pace. He leans down and kisses me, pulling me close to him. Obviously, as any sane human being would do, I kiss back. 

 After we pull away he stares down at me, a smile pulling at his lips. 

"I just wanted to try it before we went on set. I liked it." I turn bright red and he takes my hand, intertwining our fingers. I don't stop him and I move a bit closer to him. He makes me feel safe. 

With that we walk to the make-up trailer, hand in hand, getting ready for the big scene. 

What did you guys think? should i do more or just stick to marcus?

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