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It was my first day at King's Dominion and I'm scared as shit. Earlier today some girl got hit in the face by our teacher because she passed on a note to a guy in my class. Her nose was broken and she literally licked the blood from her face. 

Then there was a fight after school between a Hispanic guy with a buzz cut and the same guy from my class that received the note by that girl. I think his name is Marcus. He seems like trouble. I'll just stay away from him to be safe. Anyways, the Hispanic almost killed Marcus, but Marcus seemed ecstatic about it. 

Then there's my roommate, an Asian girl with a killer katana that's very intimidating. She's actually quite nice, but she exploded when a short, chubby boy named Shabnam tried to buy her katana. 

I did make a friend, her name is Petra. She has short black hair and wears a lot of eyeliner and black lipstick. She likes the same music I do and we talked about it at lunch, where she introduced me to her friends, Billy and Lex.

Lex is funny, although he makes rude jokes and gets drugs from who knows where, he's fun to be around. Billy is sweet and laughs at your jokes, even when their not necessarily funny. That was the first time I felt relaxed today, when I met them.

We're currently on the roof of the school, I think they call it The Graveyard. There's graffiti on the walls and the smell of smoke fills your nose, but it has a really good view of the sun set. 

I hear footsteps and turn around, looking right at someone I least expected to be here, Marcus. 

Billy and Lex stand up and swing their arms around his shoulders, Lex passes him a cigarette. They're friends. 

I watch as he walks over to Petra and I and he stares at me, it's kind of intimidating. He's tall, I don't even come close to his face. His dark eyes look almost black and his brown curls hang in his face. 

"Hi," I say.

"Hey. Who are you?"

"Y/n. You must be Marcus."

He nods and takes a drag from his cigarette. He blows out the smoke and hands the cigarette to me. I don't take it and he takes another drag. 

"Not a smoker." 

I shake my head. 

"They're bad for you." 

Lex chuckles at my statement.

I loath drugs and cigarettes, but it's all anyone does here, so I can't stay away from the people that do it. I just won't do it myself. I used to do drugs and smoke cigarettes all the time, but then I accidently killed someone under the influence and I promised myself I would never use again, just for the safety of others.

"Nice fight. Definitely one to remember," I say and he chuckles. I smile at him and he folds his arms.

"Oh yeah? I totally let Chico win," he says. Chico must be the Hispanic boy. "Oh yeah definitely. You could tell by how you missed a few times that it was definitely a rigged fight."

We all continue talking. I found out that the girl who wrote Marcus a note in class is called Brandy and that she's a real bitch. The note was insulting or something and I don't feel as bad that she got hit in the face.

I actually really like Marcus, he's very friendly. Turns out the fight wasn't even his fault, it was Chico's girlfriend, Maria's. 

Two weeks later

The five of us are on the roof again, making jokes and dissing the people we hate most. Lex takes out a pack of cigarettes, handing one to everyone, but Marcus refuses. 

"What's the matter with you Marcus? For the last two weeks you haven't smoked with us once!" Lex asks, eyeing him up and down.

"I quit. Apparently they're bad for you," he says looking over at me and winks. I smile.

We continue our conversation and I catch Marcus staring at me multiple times. Well it's more of studying me than staring at me. 

Petra nudges me and pulls me away from the boys. 

"He likes you," she says plainly.


"Marcus, you idiot."

I stare at her as she grins slightly. I shake my head.

"No he doesn't. What makes you think that?"

She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"He quit smoking when you said it's bad. He doesn't take drugs anymore. When you're not around he asks questions about you and he never shuts up about you! He stares at you all the time. I swear you're clueless."

I smile to myself. What she said is true, I haven't seen Marcus smoke in ages and he doesn't complain that "the school is dry" anymore.

"He does like me." I say it more to myself than to Petra and she nods. "Honestly you really are clueless," she mutters.

We walk back to the boys and Petra whisks Billy and Lex away. They giggle as if we're twelve. 

Marcus smiles at me. "I have something to tell you." 

I nod.

"I like you."

I like you too.

I'm shocked. Not by what he said, but by what I'm feeling. I never thought I could be able to think those four simple words. I like you too.


I look up at him, my mouth slightly open. He looks worried. I lean forward and press my lips onto his. And he kisses back.

When we pull away, Petra, Billy and Lex and smiling at us, cheering us on. I can't stop the smile from spreading on my lips. Marcus's smile is just as big.

A/n - That was a long one. Jeepers. 

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