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Everyone is together this Christmas, Willie even agreed to wear festive pajamas with the rest of us. We all got a Secret Santa, someone to buy gifts for and I got Billy, which was quite easy.

We're all staying at King's for the holidays since we don't exactly want to go anywhere else. It's fine though, we all get to be with each other.

"Can we open some presents please!" Lex yells, I smile at his enthusiasm and walk over to the small tree we set up in the corner of Marcus's room.

"Sure! C'mon guys!" Everyone else walks over and we sit in a small circle, the presents lying in a heap around us. I flit my eyes over the boxes, eager to see what's inside. Almost like a child. 

I look over at Marcus, we meet each other's gaze and he looks away. We're not close, I mean we make small talk, but that's kind of it.

Petra leans forward, grabbing a present and checking the label. "Saya, this one's yours," she says, handing the present over. Saya tears off the wrapping paper, revealing a small book. She reads the title and smiles. "Who got this for me?" Lex's hand shoots up and she laughs. "I love it." 

She shows it to me. The title reads, Punk Music You've Probably Never Heard Of.  I smile at her. Willie picks up a present, one I recognize and he hands it to Billy. It is in fact my present for Billy. 

Billy hastily rips off the wrapping paper and stares down at the present with wide eyes. "New skateboard wheels! I needed some of those...wait what's this? NO WAY! CUSTOM CONVERSES!" I smile at his excitement and he looks around at each of us. "Who?" he asks and I raise my hand. "How did you afford these?" He asks and I shrug. 

I actually saved up for this bracelet and earrings I saw in this antique store, but when I wanted to buy them they were gone, so I just used the money for Billy's gifts.

"Thank you so, so much!" He gives me a hug and I laugh. I'm glad I ended up using the money for Billy's presents. 

Time skip

Maria and Lex opened their presents and they were very happy. I'm excited to open mine and curious to know who got it for me. 

Petra picks up a box and hands it to me. I take it and untie the ribbon on top of the box. I lift off the top and gasp. In the box lies the very pair of earrings and bracelet that I wanted to buy the other day.

I look up and they all look at Marcus. He smiles and I smile back. "Thank you. I don't know what to say." He just nods and I close the box, as if leaving it open would make them disappear. I hold the box tight in my hands. 

While everyone else opens their presents I can't help but think, How did he know? How did he afford this? It must have cost him a fortune.

Time skip

Marcus and I are alone, the others went out to get food and drinks for later. I watch as he sits by the window looking outside as snow falls from the sky.

I sit down next to him. "Hey uh ... I just want to say thank you again for the bracelet and earrings. I know it must've cost a lot. How did you know?"

He smiles and looks at me. "Remember last week we all went for coffee in town?" I nod. "We were right across the antique store and when we walked back we had to stop so that Billy could tie his laces. You were staring at them and I don't think anyone else noticed, but I did. And I know you're not really into materialistic stuff, but you looked so interested in them. So I took all the money I had and bought them. I wanted to see you happy. And I did. It was the best part of the entire day." 

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