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I can hear the noise outside my door and take a shaky breath. It'll be over soon, I think to myself. 

At King's everyone is always fighting, verbally or physically, and it freaks me out. Now, I'm no pacifist, but I really don't like the sounds of screaming and connecting of fists. It just reminds of my childhood . And my childhood fucking sucked.

But I've also found a way to drown out the sound and that's through music. Now you may thing I just switch on my Walkman and blast music in my ears. You're wrong.

When I first arrived at king's I found an old guitar and I took it. Nobody stopped me and nobody has come looking for it yet, so I call it my own. Not only do I play the guitar when I'm stressed, but also when I just want some time to myself.

I don't think anyone can hear me, either that or no gives a shit, the point is, is that no one has complained. It's fine by me.

I grab the guitar, it's lying face upwards on my desk and I tune it in. I start strumming a sweet melody. I don't know what it's called, but I just remember it from when I was younger. It was originally a song that was performed by a band, but I was too young to pay attention to any of the words, the band name or the song name.

I hum the tune whilst strumming the chords gently and I immediately feel better. I stop, someone knocked on my door. I have a few friends and they're probably all out drinking and smoking at some bar.

"Come in?" I say wearily, more in a questionable tone than a statement. The door opens and a familiar face peeks in. Soft, brown curls, dark eyes and a scar along his right eye. 

"Hey Marcus," I say with a smile and he enters my room. He stands by the door and I indicate for him to come over. "I heard you playing and you sounded really good." I smile at him and he sits down. He's a slight shade of pink. He's so sweet.

"I can play for you, if you want?" I suggest and he nods. I start playing again and close my eyes, humming along. 

I can feel a hand on mine and I open my eyes, stopping.

 "What?" I ask and Marcus smiles.

'You look so..."

I smile.


He nods.

"And I feel infinite too," he says.

Marcus Lopez ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now