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I left the locker room and it all became very real. I am going on a date with my crush who happens to be my rival, Spanish teammate and the most beautiful girl on the planet.

I took a deep breath as i exited the stadium and saw Ona. She had a hat on with sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Wow.

I walked over to her and she smiled at me.

"I'm guessing you missed your bus ride back for this?"
Ona chuckled.

"Yeah but it's not far. Plus, i'd pick this over a bus ride any day"
I've been standing here for not even two minutes and i'm already blushing.

"Let's go then"
I grabbed Ona's hand and dragged her along the car park until we got to my car. We got in and decided to go to a local cafe.

We arrived and ordered some food and coffee. I took a picture of Ona and she posted it on her instagram.

"I hope you still aren't mad at me, Batlle"
I said as i gave her a serious look which she laughed at.

"I wish i was but i can't be mad at you, it's impossible"

"Why is that?"

"Because you're too cute"
Blushing once again.

"Well thank you. So, how do you feel that Alexia was rooting for City today?"
I asked with a smirk.

"Was she? I had Aitana on the United side"

"I had Patri and Jenni"

"I had Leila"

"I had Mapi. I win"
I gave her a goofy smile which made her laugh. Her laugh is so contagious and cute.

"Okay fine you win. How's your voice? I could hear you screaming"
I laughed.

"It's good, for now"

"That's good otherwise this would be rather awkward"
I nodded in agreement.

"So, what teammate put you up to this?"

"Up to what?"


"Ohhh, no one really. Well, Ella came up with the idea but i was more than happy to go through with it"
Her answer made me smile and instead of answering i was caught staring at her.

"Like what you're looking at?"
Ona asked with a smirk which made me choke on my words.

"I- We- I-"
Ona started laughing at me.

"Relax, i'm just playing with you"

"I hate you"
I joked and Ona knew i was joking.

"No you don't. Anyway, how's playing with Vicky?"

"Yeah, it's really good. Makes me feel less homesick having another Spanish person around"
I admitted.

"Yeah, i get that. Honestly, i feel homesick a little. I love the people, the fans and the club but it's just not the same as Spain, you know?"

"Yeah, definitely. I feel the same. I came here at sixteen and i haven't been back since unless it's been for camp. That's three years and this is my fourth season. I've never been away from home for this long"

"Yeah, me either. I had always played in Spain until United came in for me"

"Me too. Gosh, i had only been at Barca before this"

"What made you accept City's offer?"
Ona asked, sounding clearly interested which made me happy. Ona is so easy to talk to.

"The opportunity. I knew at sixteen getting into the Barca squad was going to be extremely difficult so when City came in for me i left knowing that i would go back to Barca one day. I left thinking, 'If i go to City and become a better player then maybe i'll get my opportunity to play for Barca'. I didn't expect to be here for four seasons. I originally only signed for two but extended for another two when my original contract was up"

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