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Today is our off day and the girls decided that we would all go out to celebrate mine and Ona's debuts. I wasn't so keen on the idea, but after a lot of persuading, i decided to go.

Ona was wearing ripped jeans, a sweatshirt and some Airforce. I was wearing jeans, one of her hoodies and Airforce. Ona had had hair up in a bun while i had mines down.

We left and once we arrived, we said hi to everyone before sitting down. I sat down beside Patri while Ona went to the other table and sat with Aitana and Mapi.

I didn't really say much and either did Patri, not to me anyway. The table i was sitting at contained Patri, myself, Jenni, Alexia and Marta. The experienced players table. Well, all but me, i'm the rookie.

After a while, i looked over to my girlfriend who was a little tipsy. Her, Mapi, Leila and Aitana were drinking which made me a little uneasy but that's just me being dramatic.

"You okay?"
Patri whispered to me as she noticed i hadn't really said anything all night.

"Yeah, fine"
I said as i sent her a fake smile back.

"I know your not. You have barley said a word since you got here, what's up?"

"I'm fine"

"Do you want a drink?"
I quickly shook my head and Patri just looked at me.

"This is your night. One drink?"

"No. I'll just have water"

"You are nineteen, so you can drink, no?"

"Yeah, i can but i don't want to"

"So you're telling me that during your three years in Manchester, you never once drank?"

"Never. I mean i was sixteen at first, but when i turned eighteen, no i didn't drink"

"Care to share why?"

"Not really"
Patri sat back and put her arm around me, i placed my head on her shoulder.

"That's fine, you don't need to tell me anything, but i think i already know why. Is it something to do with your father?"

"Yeah. You do already know"

"I see. So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Not too sure"
I shrugged.

"Have you forgotten how to speak Spanish?"
I chuckled.

"No, of course i haven't. Why would you ask that?"

"Because you never speak it anymore"

"I guess not. I mean i kind of just got so used to speaking English on a daily basis, it's stuck with me"

"But you're sure you haven't forgotten Spanish?"

"Estoy seguro" (i'm sure)
Patri smirked.

"I don't believe you. I think you have forgot"

"Test me, Guijarro"

"You're on. Say my name is Jessica"

"Me llamo jessica"




"Agua. This is too easy"

"Okay then. Ona Batlle is my girlfriend"

"Ona Batlle es mi novia"

"I like to score goals"

"Me gusta marcar goles"



"Okay, okay, i guess you haven't forgot Spanish"

"Course not. How could i?"

"If you did i would unfriend you"

"Would you now?"


"I see"
I stood up and walked away.

I decided to go and talk to Mapi for a little as she was sitting alone, looking around.

I said as i sat down beside her.

"Baby Spain! How's it going?"

"Not bad. Patri just tested my Spanish"

"But you're literally Spanish?"
Mapi said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah, i know"

"What are you doing over here anyway? Go and party"

"I'm not the biggest party person"

"Wow, the youngest on the squad is the most mature it seems"
Mapi laughed and so did i.

"My few years away taught me a few things"
I winked at Mapi and she laughed.

"I can see that"

"Anyway, when i was sixteen you didn't have all these tattoos"

"You like?"

"Yeah, i think they're pretty cool, i'm a big fan of your tattoos"

"Gracias. I want to be a tattoo artist so most of them i done by myself"

"The neck one is definitely different but it's cool"

"I love it"

"Maybe you could give me a tattoo"

"What if i mess up?"

"Then you mess up, i don't care"

"Maybe you aren't the most mature"
She chuckled.

"What made you change your mind?"

"No one wants me to tattoo them incase i mess up"

"I'll be your model. I think i could use a few more tattoos anyway"


"For sure!"

"What are you thinking?"

"Angel wings that say Always Loved and then a few on my left hand"

"Are you seriously going to let me tattoo you?"

"I trust you with my life Mapi, of course i'll let you"
Mapi smiled.

"Thanks Baby Spain"

"See you soon, Neck tattoo"
I smirked at Mapi and went over to Alexia.

"Ale, i'm letting Mapi tattoo me"
Alexia's jaw dropped and she just stared at me.




"Her tattoos are cool and i trust her"

"If she messes up tell me and i'll kick her ass for you"

"Okay Captain"

After i went around and spoke to everyone, i went to Ona and sat on her lap, she instantly put her head on my shoulder and cuddled me tightly. By this point she had sobered up which is good.

I said quietly.

"You okay?"

"Very good. You?"

"I'm good, amor"

"Baby, i'm going to let Mapi give me a tattoo"

"If she messes up i'll kick her ass. Don't want her to ruin what's mine"

"Shut up"

She laughed and so did i.

"Have i ever told you how much i love you?"

"All the time, but i hope you never stop"

"I won't. I promise you"


The night ended at like 12am. I think i fell asleep on Ona on the way home, so she carried me up to bed and placed me down lightly, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me close, falling asleep a short while later.

This was kind of a filler chapter!

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