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I met up with Ona and our eyes instantly met. Neither of us said anything but at some point her hand slipped into mines and we walked to her car hand in hand. When we got into her car i looked at her and smiled.

"What are you smiling at?"
She asked me which made me smile even more.

I whispered but i made sure she heard and she smirked at me.


I shyly smiled at her as she slipped her hand into mines again.

The rest of the ride was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence.

"Do you want a drink?"
Ona said, breaking the silence as soon as we entered her home.

"No, i'm okay. Thank you though"

Ona smiled sweetly at me and led me to her sofa. She sat down and i sat down facing her. The air around us was tense. This is the moment i've dreamed of. She will either make me so happy or break my heart...

"I guess i owe you the truth?"
Ona said as she once again broke the silence that surrounded us.

"I guess you do, Batlle"
Ona took a deep breath before she began..

"I love you"

"I know and i love you too"
I answered being my oblivious self and Ona sighed.

"No, jess, i mean i'm in love with you and i have been for a while now. When i asked you out for the first time, my teammates were the ones who persuaded me to do so because i was too afraid that you would reject me and luckily for me you didn't. They persuaded me because they knew about my 'crush' on you but that night is when i realised how in love with you i truly am. Jessica you're so beautiful and the most kind hearted person i know. I love you Jessica Lopez and i love you so much"
Once she was done, she sighed a sigh of relief.

My heart began to beat faster. The girl i happen to be in love with is also in love with me too.
I was speechless and nervous. I couldn't get my words out so i looked at her and when her eyes met mines i said, 'fuck it' and i began to lean in. I put one hand on the side of her face as i connected our lips and thankfully Ona kissed back. The kiss was powerful and passionate but short and when we pulled away our faces were both a light shade of pink.

"I hope that makes my feelings clear"
I rubbed the back of my neck and she smiled nervously.

"Yeah but i'd rather hear you say it"

"Ona Batlle, i am so in love with you and i realised when we were watching the stars on our first ever date. The way you make me feel is amazing and this is something i want. I want it forever, i want you forever. We're young, you're twenty-two and i'm nineteen and most people say young relationships are messy but this feels so real and i want to make it work. I want to prove everyone wrong. Not all young relationships are messy and we will prove that"
Ona's nervous smile turned into a bright grin and she kissed me again. This time when she pulled away she rested her forehead on mines.

"Trust me, i'm not in this just for it to end tomorrow, in a week, month or even a few years. I'm in this because i believe this will last forever"

"I love you"
i said just above a whisper.

"I've never actually felt like this before but with you it's so natural. It's easy and meant to be"

"We're in it for the long run"
I smiled and pressed a kiss against her forehead before i pulled away and pulled her down onto my lap and wrapped my arms tightly around her.

"Who would have thought, eh? The two Spanish Rivals falling in love"
I looked down at the girl on my lap and smiled. She is absolutely breathtaking.

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