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The next morning i woke up with a smile of pure happiness.

I woke up and Ona was looking at me with a shy smile on her face. The first thing i done was lean up and kiss her nose before i flipped over and lay on her, burying my head into the side of her neck.

"Good morning, amor. Did you sleep well?"
Ona asked, sweetly.

"Yeah, i slept like a baby. Did you sleep good?"
I mumbled as my face was hidden in her neck.

"Yeah, i slept good"
I knew she was smiling. I'm smiling too even though she can't see my face i know she knows i'm smiling.

I didn't respond to her, i just lay comfortably in my girlfriends arms.

"Can we get up now?"
She asked with a slight chuckle.

"Why don't we just stay here forever?"
Ona kissed my head and gently removed me from her arms as she got up.

"Sorry, babe. Today is going to be fun so we really do need to get up"
I groaned before sitting up on the bed.

"You don't have any clothes with you so what do you want to wear?"

"Anything that belongs to you"
I smirked and she laughed.

"Seriously though, what do you want to wear?"

"I only need a shirt. I have sweatpants so give me one of your football shirts"

"United, Barca or Spain?"

I smiled widely as Ona threw me one of her Spain shirts which i quickly threw on.

I got changed into sweatpants and her shirt and i put my hair up into a messy bun. Ona was dressed similar but she had a nike sweatshirt on instead. Ona also put her hair up into a messy bun.

We went downstairs and had some breakfast before it was time to leave to wherever she was taking me. We got in her car and began our drive to wherever we were going.

The drive was pretty much silent. Ona placed her hand on my thigh during the drive which made me really nervous.

Eventually around twenty minutes later we arrived, we were at a beach? I think.

"We're here!"

"A beach?"

"A special beach"
Ona had a smirk on her face as she grabbed my hand and dragged me along the beach until we were in-front of a little cave with a perfect view of the sea. I looked at Ona who was smiling proudly. She pulled me down into the 'cave' and i sat with my head rested against her shoulder.

"It's beautiful"
I said as i looked out along the beach.

"It's not quite the same as the Spanish beaches but i come here to think. I made my decision on my future here. It's so peaceful and it's perfect and you're the first person i've brought here"

"It's perfect here. It's perfect right now. So incredibly perfect"

"I know, it's so peaceful"

"No, Ona, it's perfect right now because i am in your safe spot with you. You make it perfect"
Ona looked down at me and smiled before kissing my temple lightly.

"Do you remember last camp?"

"Very well"

"Remember when the girls were being weird? Especially Aitana and Patri"
I smiled.

"I remember that. It was rather strange"
Ona chuckled.

"Well, it's because i told them about my slight crush on you and i was going to tell you how i felt but i chickened out at the last minute"
I laughed at her cuteness before i slipped my hand in hers, interlocking our fingers.

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