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After a few hectic months of planning, the big day finally arrived.

And all that i wished for became reality...

Alexia walked me down the aisle, and soon, i was standing hand in hand with my soon to be wife, as we prepared to give our vows but not the regular vows, we changed them up, we done them our way, none of that 'i take you to be my wife' stuff.

It was Ona who gave hers first, and i wasn't prepared, i was already a crying mess, happy tears only of course.

"I began writing these vows like most people do.. Looking for some ideas or inspiration on what i should say. I googled, watched youtube videos, asked others what they would say, or did say when they wrote their vows, but in the end i realised one important fact.. The only inspiration i needed was the face that greets me smile and a "good morning" when i awake, the face that says "good night" with a kiss and an "i love you" before i sleep, the face that said "yes" when i asked her to marry me. Jess, you're my inspiration"
She stopped, looked at me and smiled before continuing.

"You are the most incredible person i have ever known. You make me feel so loved every single day. I am completely awe struck that you chose me to be the one standing here with you today. You are my dream come true. You are my partner, my best friend, my soulmate, the one i have waited my whole life to find"
If i wasn't crying enough before, i certainly am now.

I nervously cleared my throat and began to speak.

"I'm not going to lie, i have no idea what i will say, i didn't write anything down because i was too excited over the fact that soon i will be able to call you my wife that writing a vow went to the back of my head, but now that i'm standing here, i wish i wrote something down."
Everyone chuckled even Ona did.

"When i was in England trying to find a purpose to life while also trying to balance my personal life with my football, it was hard but when you moved, it became so much easier. You know, we were the Spanish Rivals but deep down, we were so much more. Deep down we had so much love for each other but didn't know how to express it. I, on one hand, had never felt this before, i was confused but i wasn't scared because it wasn't a bad thing, i had nothing to be afraid of because you were Ona and i was Jessica, just two young women trying to play the game they love in a different country. The day we went on our first date was the day that my feelings became so unbelievably clear, that day, i knew it was you, i knew it was you i wanted to care for, love for and be with, i knew you were my person and thankfully you felt the same way. Being with you makes all my worries go away because i feel so safe in your presence and you make me feel so loved. At sixteen, i became numb and emotionless but at Nineteen i became whole again, and i became whole because of you. You fixed me, Ona. You saved me and i will always be so thankful that you were there. I don't know if this is what vows usually sound like, but i guess it's alright to be a little different, eh? I know my parents vows didn't sound like this, and on that topic, i know that they will be watching me right now with tears in their eyes, their little girl is living her dream and marrying the love of her life, that's all they ever wanted for me, unfortunately they never got to experience those things with me, but they got to watch from above and while doing so they have the ability to protect me and make sure i don't mess it all up. If i could have everything i want, then right now my parents would be sitting in the front row with tears in their eyes, but unfortunately in life you don't get everything you want and i learned that the hard way, but they're with me, they will always be here with me"

I pulled Ona towards me and crashed my lips against hers.

That's it, that's our story.

Me and my wife started off as Spanish Rivals with the same dream, to play for Barcelona and we got that dream, we have that dream, we are living that dream.

Rivals doesn't always mean enemies and rivals doesn't mean hate.

In the end my Spanish Rival turned out to be the live of my life.

Thank you for reading 'Spanish Rivals' This is a short story compared to my others but this is one of my favourite stories i have wrote. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did!

You're loved, always remember that🤍

I hope you have the best day possible, i love you❤️

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