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Today is the day i've been waiting for. Today i go home for the first time in three years. Today, i will be in Barcelona for the first time without my parents.

Me and Ona woke up at around 6am and at 10am we were about to land in Spain.
As we were getting closer to the ground, i looked out of the window, all i could think about was my parents. The last time i flew over Barca, i was a broken sixteen-year-old girl, running away from her problems and now i am a happy nineteen-year-old girl who is returning to the very place she ran away from three years ago. But this time, i'm returning to honour them. To live my dream but also their dream.

I was deep in thought and Ona noticed as she softly look my hand which made me turn and look at her.

"You okay?"
She asked softly.

"I'm okay. This is the first time i've been home without them. This is the first time i've been home in three years. Three years ago, i was running away"
I smiled at Ona as she softly lay her head on my shoulder.

"I bet they are so proud of their little girl right now. Jess, you're about to go and live your dream, which was to one day play for Barcelona and here you are, living that. Your parents always knew you would do it, they told you that this day would come, and it has. This isn't only your dream, it's theirs too and throughout this journey you will honour them. No matter how hard this gets, i'll be here, i will always be here"
I looked down at my girl and i kissed her forehead.

"I really do love you, Ona. I don't know what i would be doing without you right now. Loving you is the best decision i've ever made and i won't be stopping anytime soon"

"We will honour them together, babe. I love you too"

Once we landed, we went through security and collected our bags. We then got a cab to our new apartment but we were rushed. We walked in and dropped our luggage off before someone from the club were here to take us to sign our contracts. Me and Ona jumped in the back of the car and she interlocked her fingers with mines as the driver started the car.

"Welcome to Fc Barcelona"
The man said to us.

Ona replied, smiling.

Ona looks so happy to be here and to be joining the club of her dreams and that only makes my excitement grow. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. She is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I love her. I am so in love with her.

"Do you guys already know the girls?"

"Most of them. I know the Spanish ones, so basically the whole team"
I replied which made the driver and Ona chuckle.

"I don't know Lieke, Caroline, Ana, Fridolina or Ingrid"

"Me either"

"They're all super nice"
Me and Ona nodded, both of our excitement clearly growing.

"How was England?"
He asked.

Ona answered and we all laughed.

"It is very cold but it's great. The girls are amazing and the league is pretty cool. I loved it but nothing beats home, right?"

The man agreed.

"It's very competitive and physical. The competitions are so good to play in as well"
Ona said, adding onto what i had said.

After not too long in the car, we arrived. As soon as we walked in Jonatan the manager greeted us both with a hug.

"Welcome, i'm so happy you both have decided to join us"

"Wouldn't change it for the world"
I replied, regarding the fact i am here and i'm so happy. When i said this Jonatan smiled.

"It's so good to be back. I can't wait!"
Ona said with a bright smile on her face which also made Jonatan smile.

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