C R U E L & B E A U T Y

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"Because I was born in this world."
I held my head high, his eyes widening.
"And the world is cruel, I am done trying to hold in my anger!"

"I was born in a world where I was seen as a disappointment and a burden to someone who is supposed to love their child unconditionally. I grew up knowing that Isabella got everything out of life while I was stuck in England! Receiving treatment for wanting to die! My father tried his best but why didn't he fight for my custody!? Why wait until she gave permission!?" I stated, as I walked closer to him. Grabbing him by his neck.
"And guess what?" I raised my eyebrows. "Only to find out that I am not actually their real daughter, or as Renee would say, their unwanted child."

I pushed him back. "Do you understand, father! Or would you like me to further elaborate?"

His eyes were filled with tears, I hated that look.

I didn't want his pity.


"They killed Elias, they played with my emotions, there is nothing you can say that will remedy what they did."

"Let me fin—"

"And Charlie... I can't help but feel betrayed." I whispered, looking at my feet. "If only you had seen the way he looked at me, he had never seen me like that! He has never looked at—"

"Enough!" I flinched, looking up at him. "You're right! You have been through enough, but falling deep in that dark hole won't fix anything!" Niklaus grabbed me by my shoulders, roughly shaking my frame. "Charlie did this because it was the only way to stop you."

"Am I dead?" My eyes pinned his.

"No...you're sleeping. Sleeping until someone who truly loves you takes the dagger out."

"When will that happen?"

"I can't give you an answer to that." My eyes glossed over, dropping my head to his shoulder blade. "Love, I will never forgive them for what they did. However, they are trying to help you, Charlie, Isabella, the pack, the Cullens." I tried to contain my sobs, but as he brought his arms around me and whispered that it will all be okay; I crumbled and cried.

I let myself cry.

"Because you were born in this world, you should exist and live. Not for others but for yourself; the world is cruel but it also has its beauty."

I hugged him tighter.

Why did you die?!

Everything would have been different if you and Evalina were alive.

Maybe I wouldn't feel so broken.

"She will come back with us."
Carlisle stated, as he glared at Alec and Demitri.

Alexandria was laying in Charlie's arms as he stared at the dagger in her chest.
"I am so sorry."

Bella and Edward beside him as they stared at her sleeping form.
"How didn't I see this?"
Edward lamented looking at Isabella who looked back up at him with unshed tears.

"No! We are her mates. She stays with us."

"Stop! We are taking her back, after what you did you are still calling her mate?!"
Isabella yelled, walking forward with Edward hot on her trail.
"You've done more than enough. You don't actually love her, you know how powerful she is. You just wanted to add her to your soldier collection. Didn't you?" She pointed at Aro.

"I would never use my niece—"

"She is not your family!"
Charlie yelled.
"She is my daughter!"

"What is this human doing here?"
Caius asked. Entering the room, he stopped beside Aro.

"He was the only way to stop her or else we'd all be dead."
Aro explained, walking toward the sleeping girl.
"You will not harm him."
He warned looking at Caius and the soldiers.

"What do you mean? She isn't dead?"

"Don't you hear her beating heart. Seeing as to how she is immortal, a shapeshifter, and part human. They needed the white oak stake, but it can't be utilized by anyone unless they wanted her to die." He gestured to her hand.
"Someone who loves her had to be the one to do it, so she can come back after it is removed."

Aro grabbed her hand after seeing no objection from Charlie.

He whispered as he saw him.
Seeing memories of him, he let go.

He turned around to Carlisle.
"You can go. No one will come after you."
He looked at Alec and Demitri.

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