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I stared at him in disbelief.

My eyes wide as he let go, bringing his palms up to hold the sides of my face.

"How?" He whispered leaning his forehead against mine. "How is this happening?"

"Paul." I grabbed his shoulders, pulling myself closer to him.

"How are you here?" I asked my eyes scanning his figure for any signs of harm. I tightly grab the collar of his shirt, yanking the clothing down to inspect his skin.

No hole.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm checking to see if you're hurt." I gently pat the area where his heart should be resting. "You're okay."

I let out a sigh.

My eyes meeting his face I see his wide smile plastered.

We stare at each other. Even though time was frozen here, his presence affected this space too. It seemed less heavy, more light.

"I'm gonna get you out of here." Paul states grabbing my hand to walk back to where he had come from.

I take a deep breath in—once the scent of his hits my nose. "It's you?" I pull him against my body. "Why do you smell like that?" I press my nose against his neck.

The visible gulp of it making me look up at him again.

"Why do you smell like that?" I repeat my question.

"Why? Do I smell bad." He softly pushes me away, making space between us he brings his arm slightly upward smelling his underside.

I laugh.

He stops, looking at me. "I haven't heard your laugh in a long time." He smiles.

"You smell amazing." I stare at him.

"It must be the pull."

"What pull?" My eyebrows furrow.

"Well...after what happened with those people. The spell wore off." He spins making me face his back. "And...and I well, I had imprinted on you long before that."

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