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"Bells!? You're here!" I make my presence known as I call for her walking inside the house, seeing dad pin after Renesmee. Gathering all the sweets we had in the kitchen, they both stand still as Renesmee thoughtfully picks her choice.

Bella smiles fondly at them, turning to look at me as she nods. "She wanted to see her grandpa."

"Where's Edward?"

With one final look at her daughter she exits the kitchen, softly holding my arm and beckoning me outside. I frown at her, "What's wrong?"

"Carlisle had to go to Italy...Edward too."

"Aro..?" I know my question is stupid but I can't help but still ask the obvious.

She nods, "I didn't want to worry dad so..."

"They're not in trouble?"

"No?...I don't know, the entire clan would've been called if they were, don't you think?"

Even though she tries to hide it, I can sense it. I pull her in for a hug, "You already know I'll have your back."

She shakes her head to my words, "I don't ever want you to step foot there, ever again."

"Don't worry about that, I won't go on a killing spree if I don't need too." Her eyes go wide as I chuckle. "What? I'm a changed woman but that doesn't mean I've forgotten."

I follow her line of vision to the front door.

A frown appearing as she spoke, "That's why I never want you to go back there, if that were to happen again I don't know what would happen to Charlie." Her eyes met mine. "You didn't see him cause you were unconscious but he was not there...you know. It's like he was living but in autopilot."

I sigh, nodding. "Just in case I'll alert Sam, Paul is coming over later so I'll let him know too."

"Let me know what?"

I turn; my frown changing into a soft smile. "You'll know soon." Seeing him walk toward us, he briefly greets Bella before I pull him down, my lips meeting his in a short peck.

"Aren't you excited to see me." He teased against my lips.

Looking slightly to the side I see his companion, "Hi Sue, Dad's in the kitchen with Renesmee." I wave.

With a wide bright smile, she pulls out some papers. "I got them." She waves them our way. "Thanks to your man-" she gives a playful wink to Paul before continuing, "I got them!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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