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"Isabella. You can't be serious?"
Alexandria questioned her older sister.

Bella was already heading out the door with Alice.

"I have to go, Lex. I love him."

Alexandria looking shaking her head.
"What will I tell father?"

"Don't worry about that."

She'll be safe.
They all will.

She winced as she heard the voice. The voice that had been gone since she was taken to England, had suddenly appeared again. Gradually growing the longer she stayed in Forks.

She sighed at the sound of Alice's car drive away.


After being questioned by her father, asking about Bella, all she could say was that she didn't know. But deep down, she knew that her father knew who she was with.

She had spent that day in La Push. Getting to know all members of Sam's pack, minus one who'd been reluctant to engage with her. Some were a bit weary with her association with Isabella.

"Did she say when she was coming back?"

"Jacob she will come back."
Alexandria answered for the fifth time.

"Jake, leave her alone."
It was either Emily, Sam, Embry, or Leah with annoyance laced on their faces who responded back.


"What's wrong, Little Swan?"
Emily warmly asked seeing the exhausted young girl sitting in the front porch.

"I don't know how to explain it, Ems." It was a small nickname Alexandria had given her.
"Sometimes, I feel terrified of myself."

This gained almost everyone's attention.

"When I am speaking with someone, I sometimes automatically know what they are thinking, or even how they feel." Alexandria tried to explain. Emily feeling compassion for her, sat down next to her. "What terrifies me more is that I hear a voice in my head that tells me things." The young Swan rests her head in Emily's shoulder.

"Is that how you knew about my scars?"


Almost on cue Sam walks out and kneels in front of her.
"Has this barely started?"

Alexandria shook her head.
"When I was just a child I could hear it. That was one of the reasons why Renee sent me away. She thinks I'm ill..." she points to her head, "but I'm not, I don't think I am."

"Don't worry, Little Swan. We'll get through this together, and I don't think you're ill."

Alexandria surprised looked back and saw the whole pack standing there. Affection was what they all felt for the 15 year old girl sitting in front of them.

With adoration, an important set of eyes stared at her.


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