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Alexandria slowed down a bit, trying to understand if the question was directed to her.

"Where are you going?"
Billy Black's voice asked.

She stopped and turned around.

After a long pause of just looking at one another. Billy Black let out a soft laugh as he looked at the pack and back at her.

Alexandria slowly walked towards him and kneeled down to be at eye level with him.
"It's good to see you, Little Swan."

Embry lets out a long annoyed sigh.
"Why are you guys acting like this, she is still Alexandria,—the girl who beat up Jacob."
He shrieked once Jared's hand collided with the back of his head.

"What! It's the true. You guys could barely even hold her down! Ha!"
Embry spoke as he ran to Alexandria and pulled her up and hugged her. To which she accepted and laughed.

"You've heard her?"
"Haven't you?"
Billy Black spoke, an enormous smile adorning his face.


"I knew it was you.
The last living descendant of Evalina Ambrosia."



She was back at her house; more specifically her room. Taking a shower and changing into a long sleeve shirt and knee shorts.

That's when she heard something collide with her window. She ignored it, but finally gave attention to it once it happened for the sixth time.

Looking out she saw Paul.

Preoccupied she opened the window.
"Did something happen?"
She found it weird seeing him here.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes, but not through the window."
She ran down stairs and opened the door.
"Come in."

"You know I could've made it through your window."

"I know. But I do not want to be like Isabella and Edward."



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