"F u n I s n't S h e."

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Alexandria was happy, she'd spent the last couple of months with the pack. Even though she did spent time with her father, she could tell that Charlie Swan's concern was Bella and Edward, who she still hadn't formally met.

Her father had expressed his concern on how they shouldn't be so close. That Isabella should accompany herself with her other friends.

So here she was home alone. Isabella would go to school, whereas Charlie had decided that Alexandria would be homeschooled.

She was sitting in the dining table when her father came home.
"Be sure to get packed up okay, Bells."

She heard Isabella's footsteps go up the stairs and Charlie walked in the kitchen.

"Where is she going?"
Alexandria asked though she already knew she didn't want any more puzzled expressions.

"She will be going to Florida."
She nodded
"With Edward."
Continued Charlie.
"Listen. Little Dove, I might not understand how you feel, but you are wanted."

She smiled.
"Father it's okay.  We all know that Renee has never wanted me. I have you, and that is more then enough."


The boys all run out.
Alexandria seeing how abruptly Leah stood up she follows.

As both girls walk outside they are met with Isabella and Jacob.

"Bella, this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter."
Jacob informs.
"Hey, I am really sorry about your father."
Bella says. 

"If you are here to torture Jacob some more feel free to leave."
Leah angrily responds and walks away.

"Fun isn't she."
Alexandria couldn't help, but let out a low growl towards Jacob.

He shouldn't speak about her that way.

She winces hearing the voice again. She looks down at her shoes at she massages her temple and goes back inside.


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