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"Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances.—"
The news reporter informed

"It's getting worse. We are going to have to do something."
Carlisle alerts turning of the television and looking up at the newly entered people to the room.

Alexandria feeling pain in her head she quickly turns around not being unnoticed.

"Hey, are you okay?"
Her sister questioned, Alexandria responding with a short nod as she proceeded to massage her temples.

"No ones trained these newborns, but this isn't random."

"Someone is creating an army."
Carlisle realizes turning to look at Jasper.

"Well now we are definitely going to Seattle."
Emmett happily bursts out.

It was late at night.

Alexandria and Charlie Swan we're both watching the television when they were disrupted by the screeching of tires.

Her father quickly stood up and looked out the window. Rushing to get outside as he saw who it was with Alexandria a couple of feet behind.

Edward and Jacob were trying to intimidate each other every once in a while shoving.

"What's going on?"
Charlie asked them.

Alexandria snorted once she heard what Jacob had said. He nervously said he kissed Bella and how she broke her hand when she punched his face.

She began to laugh. Laugh from everyone's expression; her father seemed uncomfortable, Edward had this "I'm going to kill you" look. The one that made her laugh the most was Bella's face. The embarrassed expression from her sister's face made her fall to the floor as she gripped her stomach.

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