T H E Y' R E G O N E

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After letting her through.
Alice rapidly held her hand towards Aro.
Which he grabbed.

The tension was unbearable.

Only silence was heard.

"It doesn't matter what I show you."
"Even when you see."
She roughly took her hand back.
"You still won't change your decision."

She turned around.
She whispered, once Renesmee and Jacob left, Alice kicked Aro back.

Leaving everyone gasping.
Two guards took ahold of her as Aro angrily stood up and walked forward.
"Take her away."

"Let her go!"
Carlisle yelled as he ran towards him. He succeeded on fighting the guards. He jumped mid air and so did Aro. In shock I fell to my knees once Carlisle landed decapitated.

"You will die for that."
I whispered as I closed my eyes.
Feeling my canines and claws come out. I heard gasps close to me and I opened my eyes turning them black. I pushed Elias back running to free Jasper. Grabbing their necks and tearing their heads of with my claws.

Everyone started attacking. I ran to Esmee seeing as she was outnumbered.
All of a sudden I heard Alice scream.

Jasper's dead.

Isabella was fighting Alec I ran to him and pushed him back. Grabbing his shirt and pushing him to Emmett.

This was pain, knowing what I had to do.

I could see the betrayal in his face as he saw what I had done.

I got pulled to the ground not being able to see. I used both of my hands and pushed two of them back. I felt one of them bite down on my throat. I let out a strangled cry. I bit the side of his face. Taking the opportunity to snap his face in half.

I felt it. Seth's death. Leah's painful howl. Right as I was getting the upper hand I rapidly fell.
Not caring of what was happening.

I heard Demitri's voice.
He cared.

He killed two of his own and pushed me up, shoving me to the remaining ones.

I gained focus and killed them.
We were being beaten. All of us were outnumbered.

It felt like an earthquake when Benjamin opened the ground.

Everyone was trying to move away from that gigantic opening. I threw any enemy close to me towards the opening, fighting them the more they got close.

Minutes later I felt the same for Leah.
She was no longer here.
The Clearwater siblings were no longer with us.

Again I was pulled by my legs making me fall. Feeling two of them stretch my arms and another pull my head.

It like he was calling me from afar.
I saw as Edward snapped his head from his neck.

He was gone too.
They were both gone.

I let out a growl and pulled both who were pulling my arms in front of me. Smacking their heads together. I jumped on them and bit down on their throats. The immense pain on my heart was horrible. I wanted everyone dead.
I quickly finished them off.

Looking around I saw Alice chase Jane. I went into action killing those in her way. Isabella used her gift to shield Alice from Jane's gift.

I let out a laugh as I saw Jane run away.

She was a bitch, but his sister.

Caius and Marcus were on the field now.
I ran grabbing Caius from his hair and pushing him to Kate.

Whereas Aro ran to Edward.

I gasped as I saw Bella being thrown to Edward like a raggedy doll.

What was left of the Volturi jumped in action as Aro's head rolled down.

"I told you, you would die."

Part 2.

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