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Alexandria smelt something different as she walked up the stairs of her home.

She ran to Isabella's room.

Isabella and Edward looked at her with concern. They watched as the youngest Swan observed the room.

He was here.

"Someone has been here."


She sat in the back seat of Edwards car with Bella on the passenger seat. The car abruptly stopped. They got out and advanced to the big house.

"Who is it? Someone we know?"
Carlisle asks.

"This stranger. I didn't recognize his scent."
Edward responds.

"It was a man."
They all turn to look at Alexandria.

"A nomad passing through—"
"A passer by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive."

Alexandria turns to look at the blonde woman.

My father is in danger.
She lets her mind go else where, finally realizing the danger.
She starts to pay attention.
"-Well I'm not going to let you starve, and I wouldn't be unprotected. I-I have-"
Bella's stops as she sees Edward's face.

Alexandria bluntly says.

"Why are you here? We are not here to babysit—"
Rosalie is stopped by Carlisle.

Reading her thoughts.
"Do not mistake my patience for weakness, Rosalie. I am here for Isabella, not for you or your family."
A cold hard voice came out of Alexandria.

"Are we done here."
She regained her composure again softly speaking.

Tilting her head towards Bella.


Alexandria had started to get nightmares. She would see Bella bleeding, many dead bodies; some mutilated. She would see a shapeshifter on the ground as it screamed in pain and lots of red eyes. When she would wake up she would find her window open.

Edward hated the idea of Jacob protecting Bella. He came to an understanding that it wasn't about rivalry. It was to protect both girls and Charlie.

The wolves would take over so the Cullen's could hunt, vice versa.

Bella would go with Jacob or Edward.

Alexandria would stay with her father when he wasn't at work. The pack would protect her and so would Alice, Jasper, and Esme.

Today she was gathered with the pack, sitting next to Seth. Feeling enchanted as she heard the legends of the Quiluete Tribe.

One story stood out the most.

"There was a beautiful young women named Evalina. she had all the abilities of a shapeshifter though she never shifted. Some would say that she was crazy because she would hear a voice.  A voice that would protect her, but also gifted her with abilities. She was very powerful. Many men were enchanted by her beauty and her pure soul. By the age of 16 she found her partner and had many children."
Billy spoke as he stared at Alexandria.
"Evalina was then slaughtered with her partner and children. Though only one survive the tragedy; A strong woman who lived a long life and made a family of her own—"

"Who killed them?"
Alexandria eagerly asked.
Feeling sadness and anger absorb her whole.

She somehow felt connected.

"The cold ones."


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