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They were in the airplane, sat by each other.

"Tell me more."

"What else do you want to know?"
Elias quietly spoke, turning to look at her.

"Why did Aro care so much about him?
What was his name?"

He looked away from her.

"His name is Niklaus."
"He is Aro's family other than Didyme."

"What do you mean?"

"They were siblings Alexandria."
"They were brothers."

"He wanted to see you and know what you are capable of because you are the last descendant of Niklaus."

"His brother."

It was the day after.
Alexandria was back in the gardens she had grown enjoying, thinking about the truth that was revealed to her. She didn't want to believe Elias, but what reason did he have to lie. She even compelled him after just to see if he was lying. At the moment she took a deep breathe in she felt a horrible feeling in her chest.

We have to go back to Forks.

"What's happening?"
Alexandria stammered.

Something will happen to Isabella.

Bella's beating heart could be heard. She was surprised when she heard another.

Who else is here?

Swiftly opening the door she thanked God for being steady at her feet. She quickly ran once she heard Bella's painful moans.

She ignored everyone else as she ran to stop Bella's head from colliding with the wooden floor. Edward quickly carried her and brought her to Carlisle's office.

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached!"
Alice rushed out as she held the phone to her ear.
"He's coming as fast as he can."

"We'll have to do it."
Alexandria tuned out Rosalie, turning to the door.

"Where are you going?"
Jacob hurriedly questioned.

"To find Carlisle."

Something was wrong and it wasn't just her sister giving birth to a supernatural being.

It's a girl.

What about Isabella?

Alexandria felt it, the immense pain in her heart. Her helpful companion didn't have to say anything at all.

Isabella had died.

The pack are on their way.

Tears escaped from her eyes as she ran. Following the scent of Esme, Carlisle, and Emmett.

A strong hand grabbed onto her neck and pushed her down.


"It's Alexandria! Let her go."
Esme whispered yelled, as she saw who the person was.

"We have to go, the pack are on their way to your home."

The three vampires and Alexandria rapidly ran back to the house. Dodging and jumping anything that could hold them back.

"I won't let them hurt my family."
She heard Edward answer Jasper and Alice.

They were close, but not to close.

It's time.

She felt her teeth change to canines, her eyes change as she saw Sam about to kill Edward. She rammed into him making him fall to the side.

Paul was chasing Emmett, failing to catch him as Emmett jumped and crawled up the tree.

Growling, Alexandria ran to him. Punching Paul, making him turn towards her in anger.
His eyes softened as he noticed who it was.

Her eyes did not.

They were trying to kill the only person she had left of Bella.

Was this how Aro felt?

He quickly regained his posture and turned around jumping up to Emmett, but she rapidly grabbed his leg and brought him down, knocking him out as she kicked his head.

Alexandria looked up at Emmett and gave him a small nod to which he did the same as he jumped down and continued to fight.

Her back was facing the house, making sure no one got inside.

Jacob yelled, running in between the pack and the others.
"It's over!"

Sam didn't seem to care at his outburst. Moving to the side, but only to be stopped by him.
"If you kill her, you kill me!"

Realization fell into Alexandria's mind.

He imprinted on her.

She looked back to the house. Her eyes falling to the glass window that was in the middle of her and Bella.

She walked inside. Forgetting all about the fight and going inside the room where Bella was.

"Do you remember the last conversation we had?"
She softly asked.
"I was already in England. We promised each other to be more united. That we wouldn't let petty fights be the cause of our destruction.
I wanted to be you, to be normal. But now I know that our lives will never be normal. It was decided even before you and I were born."

"How will I explain it to father. How can I explain this to him? This will break him, Bella."

"This will break him."

This was kinda long...

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