S H E' S B A C K

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"Come on in girls. We won't bite."

The boys walked in first. Alexandria getting off the car and walking towards her sister.

"Well, you wanted to know his secret. Come on Isabella." The young girl frowned before continuing her walk.

Before they could enter, they were stopped by one of the boys. "Oh, hey about Emi—"

He was caught off by Alexandria.
"Yes. We won't stare." They all seemed confused at her sudden words.

"Why would we stare?"
Questioned Bella.

"Just don't, Bella."
Answered Alexandria

"You guys hungry? Like I have to ask." A woman responded, chuckling.
When she turned around that's when they saw the scars in her face.

"Who's this?"
Emily asked.

"Bella Swan, who else."

"Hmm. So you're the vampire girl."

Alexandria's eyes widen as she heard the word vampire. "Can I be excused to your restroom?" She asked Emily, to which the older woman nodded and pointed to a door in the hallway.

Alexandria calmly walked inside and locked the door.

"Vampire girl."
She whispered to herself.

"What's next witches?"
She snickered to herself.
  She stopped once she heard them talk about her.

"Who's the other girl you came in with?"

"She's my sister, Alexandria."
Bella answered.

That's when Alexandria unlocked the door and went out. All eyes on her.

"Freaked out yet?"
The two boys eating asked her.


Alexandria sat down in the small armed chair. Smiling as she heard Paul apologize to her sister, stealing small glances toward the younger sister. He eyes still wouldn't reach Alexandria's. Isabella looked at him in confusion.

"So you are Charlie's youngest daughter." Emily asked.
Alexandria nodded.

"Really? And here I thought Bella was an only child."


"What? Jared."

Alexandria looks up at Emily
"I was sent away."

The room stood silent.


Sam had driven Alexandria back home. Bella wanting to have some free time with Jacob, she had gone with him. Feeling worrisome at seeing Sam's expression she looked toward the direction. Not missing to notice a car parked in front of her house.

She's back.
Sam thought.

"It's okay Sam. This was bound to happen." Again she gained another puzzled expression.

"Bella what is that god awful wet dog smell." She heard an unfamiliar feminine voice as she closed the front door.

"That would be Bella and I."
She made her presence known.

"Who is she?"

"That's my sister Alexandria, Alice"
Alice smiled at Alexandria like she knew something she didn't.

"The smell is from Jacob."

"Jacob's kinda a werewolf "
Bella awkwardly says.

"Bella, werewolves are not good company to keep."
Alice retorts back.

"Vampires aren't either, but here you are." Alexandria bluntly said observing the pixie haired vampire.

Visibly hurt at what she had said, Alice stayed quiet.

Jacob than appeared; smiling at the young Swan.

"Speak for yourself."
He then proceeds to look at Bella.
"I had to see that you and Alex were safe."

"I thought you couldn't protect me here." Bella responds showing a sideways smile.

"Guess I don't care about the consequences."


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