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"Are you sure you don't want to come back?"
Charlie Swan asked Alexandria through the phone.

Looking out the window from the bedroom where she had spent her whole life, she quietly let out a sigh.


"Bella and Edward's wedding is in a few days. Are you sure you don't want to be here?"

A soft knock came from the door,and it creaked open.

"It's time for our session."
Sister Jane voiced out receiving a short nod from the young Swan girl.

"Father, I now you are worried, but do not fret I will go back home. I will let you know when I choose to return. Right now I have to leave, I'll call you."

"Okay, Alex. Take care."

"Posture! Alexandria, posture!"

Alexandria jabbed the opponent before her with the dagger. She fixed her stance, delivering a punch from her left hand to the girl's face.  As the girl stumbled back, Alexandria took the chance to kick the girl's knees. The girl cried out, a sickening snap being heard.

She felt motion behind her, she quickly reacted turning around bringing her hands up. The two boys who had tried to creep up on her landed with a loud thud to the floor making cracks against it.  Alexandria rapidly glanced around, watching all of her opponents lying on the floor with pained expressions on their faces.

"Excellent job."
The claps of Myranda and the others went through her ears.
"I would like you to meet Elias."
She presented the young man to her.

He's a vampire.

Alexandria played with the dagger she held.

"Never have I seen a woman look so beautiful covered in blood."
The man stared captivated by her beauty.

"They have heard great stories of you and his people would like to meet you."
Myranda stated.

"And you want me to go meet them, No?"
Alexandria questioned looking from Myranda to Elias, they both nodded.
"What will I tell Sister Jane. She is already weary about letting me stay the weekends with you."

"Do not worry about my dear sister. I will take care of her."
Myranda assured.

"Where will I be going?"


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