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Standing there, watching the teenagers dance and have fun was a new experience.
She couldn't say if she liked it or not, but here she was. Her first ever party.

She did not want to come, but her father and her had agreed for her to hang out with people her own age. She was glad that Embry, Quill, and Jacob had decided to come.

They walked through the house until Jacob spotted Bella.

"What are you doing here?"

"You invited me, remember?"
Jacob answered Bella.

"Was my right hook to subtle for you? That was me uninviting you."

"Look Bella, I'm sorry. About—you—know the kiss and your hand."
Jacob continues to apologize and then takes out a bracelet with a wolf charm dangling from it.

Alexandria leans onto Embry as she clutches her head that was yet again hurting. Embry quickly turns her around to face him.

They had started to spent time together and people would confuse their friendship with something more.

They're coming.
The voice said.
The pain increased.

"They're coming."
She whispered.
"They're coming here."
She hardly lets out as darkness consumes her. Leaving her in a dark slumber in Embry's arms.

"No. She will not go. She is to weak."
She heard her sister's voice say. Alexandria was already awake, but did not open her eyes.

"I know Bella, but she will be pissed if we don't tell her."
Jacob acknowledged.

"No. She will not go."
"Now come on we have to go."

The day to fight was near.

Alexandria was heading towards Emily's knowing that, that's where they usually all hanged out.

Her mind went back to what happened in the morning.
After her dad had gone to work.

"Isabella, can I speak with you?"
Alexandria asked watching her older sister.
She heard no response.

"I just want to ask what I can do to help."
"You know with Victoria and the army. I've started to notice some changes in me—"

Bella didn't let her finish though.
"There is nothing you can do because your useless and weak. I don't have time to babysit you, Okay! So just stay out of our way!"
Bella quickly let out all her anger and frustration on her younger sister, promptly going out of the house and inside Edward's car.

As that happened she felt stupefied.
She understood that everyone right now was terrified, angry, and overwhelmed over the situation. But she also remembered what the sisters would say to her.
"Pay attention to when someone gets mad, that's when their true colors show."

Here she was running towards Leah and explaining to her what happened with tears pouring down her cheeks.

They were both sat on the chairs in the front porch. The rest of the pack were inside eating ,watching the television.

"Why is she crying?!"
Jacob annoyingly asked.

"Leave her alone, Jake."
Leah retorts back.

Leah and Alexandria are both startled when Jacob angrily grabs Alexandria by her arms.
"Every time I see you, you cry!"
"Shut up already! You are so weak, this is why nobody wants you! This is why Renee sent you away."
He angrily snarls tightly squeezing her arms.
"You are such a burden!"

Alexandria was shaking, but not from fear. She was shaking with anger. Her whole body burned and him touching her only made it worse.

How dare he.
Hurt him!

Being guided by the chilling voice she responded. Head butting him on the nose, Jacob distracted by the pain she pounced on him shoving him down to the ground.

Alexandria couldn't control her emotions, she snarled at him. Not noticing the other pack members walk out. Her goal that second was to tear the man in front of her apart.

Just as Alexandria was going to pounce at him she was pushed back. She snarled at the person not recognizing who it was. With one strong punch to the person's side they let go. Alexandria didn't care about that, instantly she latched her self to Jacob. Bringing the newly claws from her hands close to his neck, she was pushed back.

She felt her arms being held back and her legs being hold. Hands at the sides of her head.

"Jacob leave."
Sam demanded to which Jacob didn't comprehend at first, but after the third call he left.

"Her eyes, what is she?"
Leah frantically asked.

"Alexandria! It's me, Paul."
"Calm down, please."
Paul looked at her shake with anger. Trying to calm her down, but every time he looked into her eyes he saw anger.
"Breathe. Just calm your breaths."

She involuntarily concur, closing her eyes.


"What's happening to me?"

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