Camilo, Your girlfriend's here~ Camilo x Fem!Reader

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Just a little thing I thought of, where Isa gets her revenge on her cousin. This takes place when Camilo, you and Mirabel are 18 by the way. This may be kinda long, and I'm sorry!! Xxx

Warnings: cussing?


I lifted my head as my mother and sister came through the front door.

"I'm so excited!" My sister squealed. I turned around fully and looked from my squeaking sister to grinning mother.

"Y/N, were going to the Madrigal's home tonight. For dinner, go get ready," My mother explained, smiling. I nodded and hopped off the couch.


I stare at myself in the mirror, wearing a f/c dress, a sunflower necklace and black sandals. My hair is neat and I'm wearing slight makeup.

"Y/N! Alexa! We've got to go!" My mother calls out from downstairs. I grab my bag and run out my room and to my mom. Alexa is dressed slightly better than me, but she's 'so perfect', and I quote from literally everyone in town. We walk outside and begin the stroll to Casita, the home of the family Madrigal.

I smile gently as the house comes into view, and I see Isabela standing at the door. She grins.

I guess you could say Isabela and my sister are close, but me and Isa, god. We're so close, considering the age difference.

"Hey," I say as we reach the front doors.

"Um, one second." Isabela says. She turns her head and yells something out.

"CAMILO, YOUR GIRLFRIENDS HERE!" I look at Alexa. She's blushing because she has the biggest crush on that shapeshifter.

"Sorry, heh," Isabela says, scratching the back of her head.

"Jesus, Isa! I don't have a girlfriend, who are you-" Camilo Madrigal appears in view, and looks at my family of three.

"Oh, Y/N! I didn't know you were coming! You look nice," He says smiling and looking at me.

"Oh, and Alexa. Hi." He says, glancing at my sister and then back to me.

"Come on, you can sit next to me and Dolores." Camilo grabs my arm and leads me inside, I roll my eyes in response.

Me and Camilo are also very good friends, but we often get interrupted but Alexa. It's annoying. I'm used to him grabbing my arms and playing dumb around me, it's just what makes him, him.

We sit and talk until everyone joins us at the table. I smile as Dolores sits next to me, she recently broke up with Mariano Guzman because he thought she was cheating.

"Ah, The L/N family. Welcome," Alma smiles at my mother and sister, and then looks over to me.

"Aha! That reminds me. Tonight, it's a special night." Alma continues. She shifts her gaze to Camilo.

"For tonight, Camilo will get his future wife, hopefully." Camilo's eyes widen and Alexa gasps. I snicker. Please don't let him get with my sister, ew.

"Y/N and Camilo will hopefully bring a new generation of Madrigals and L/Ns! So, let's hope they work out together." Alma raises her glass and sits down.

I turn my head slowly to Camilo, who's face is fully red and extremely shocked. He glances at me and shrugs.

"Oh my gosh," I mumble and bang my head on the table, covering it with my arms.

"Um, tía! These arepas are beautiful!" Camilo says awkwardly. I feel everyone staring at me but I don't care. I'm supposed to marry Camilo in the future!?

"Hang on. Y/N is so young though!" I raise my head to see Alexa standing in fury. I groan and fall back in my chair.

"I mean, she is Camilo's age, mi vida." My mother states. Camilo looks at them anxiously.

"I don't care! I love him! I should marry him!" Alexa says, stomping her foot on the ground.

"Dios mío," Camilo mutters and buries his face in his hands. I groan again.

"That stupid pig doesn't even deserve him!" Alexa yells at the top of her voice, practically screeching. I sit up again.

"What did you call me?" I say sternly. Camilo removes his hands from his face and looks at me.

"You, are such a brat. Even mom thinks it. Isabela thinks it, Mirabel thinks it. But you still keep on pissing us off!" I say accusingly.

"Uh, not everyone thinks that!" She looks at Camilo and I can tell he feels pressured.

"You are a bit of a bitch." Camilo says, cringing.

Pepa glares at her son, but doesn't have a go at him.

"Whatever. I'm still going to marry you!" Alexa says, folding her arms and sitting back down, glaring at me.

"Yeah, about that," Camilo mumbles awkwardly. I glance at him and his eyes are giving me a 'I'm sorry' look. He grabs my face and kisses me. I feel my face heat up and my heart begins to race. I look over at Alexa, who is red in pure anger.

I push Camilo away from me and slouch back in my seat.

"Well, I was gonna try and make this a bad dinner like what you did to me. But, primo, I think this has been bad enough," Isabela says. I laugh. Camilo rolls his eyes.

We turn to watch my sister run out the room, out the house. Camilo looks at me and shrugs.

"So that's why we don't have a tía?" Amelia asks. Camilo shakes his head.

"Well, I loved your mama. How could I love a brat like that?" He says jokingly. I glare at him.

"A big brat!" Lyla giggles.

"Now look what you've done, idiot." I say, nudging Camilo's stomach.

He grabs my arm and faces me.

"Yes, but I'm an idiot that you married and had four beautiful babies with," He smirks.

"Oh please, three and a half," I say, gesturing to my baby-filled tummy.

Camilo rolls his eyes.

"Still," He kisses me.

"Ewww," all three of our kids grumble in unison.

"Amelia, Lyla and Leon. Do you want to visit tía Mirabel or not?" I ask.

They all shut up, my husband laughs, and the baby kicks.

Omg, Father Milo. AHHHHHHHHH. Anyway. I actually kinda like this one.

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