Chapter 8

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I suddenly felt my knees getting weak and I can't stand any more. I sat on the bed and my tears were flowing like the ocean. She loves me so much? How can a person love someone that much? But how can she feel I don't love her? Couldn't she see in my eyes how much I love her? Couldn't she feel it even for once? Couldn't she feel anything from my side all this time? "Well Miss. Creckhead I love your gift and if you are thinking that I am not going to find you then you are definitely wrong. Because after knowing that you also love me even more than I could even think I am not going to lose you. You still don't know me. Now I will find you at any cost. That's a promise Priya, I will not let you suffer anymore. You have suffered much. I will give you all the happiness in the world because you deserve it. Soon you will be in my arms and never let you go.", saying this to myself I wore the bracelet that she gave me. I will never take it off. I took out my phone from my pocket and called her. But as expected she blocked me. She didn't even take the car I gave her. Let me call Thomas, he'll definitely know about her whereabouts. Nobody can tell that they are not blood-related brothers and sisters. She shares everything with him and he definitely can help me. Thinking that I called him.

Over the phone conversation -

Thomas - Hello?

Adonis - Thomas? *sobbing*

Thomas - Adonis? Why are you crying? What happened?

Adonis - Your sister, the love of my life left me alone with just a letter. Also blocked me. Now how can I find her? Why is she so stubborn? Why can't she feel my love? *sighed* Do you know where she is? She used to share everything with you. She must have told you where she is going to go. She knows nobody here, and you know how people can be dangerous. I am really worried about her.

Thomas - *took a deep breath* Calm down Adonis. I know about her, don't worry she is safe wherever she is.

Adonis - y-you know where she is? Just tell me I will go right now and will bring her back.

Thomas - Please listen to me Adonis, don't do anything stupid. She is in a very fragile state of mind. She is hurting, she is broken. You know very well how stubborn she is. You or mine made any wrong move and we will lose her forever. She is safe wherever she is, trust me. Let's meet at our usual meeting place, the same café. I will explain everything to you in person. Now calm down and go to sleep.

Adonis - How can I calm down or sleep when I know my love is in pain?

Thomas - I know it's hard. But you have to stay strong for her. Please trust me. Now go and get some sleep.

Adonis - Okay. I am trusting you. See you tomorrow. Bye.

Thomas - Bye.

End of the call.

At that same time author's p.o.v -

Adonis somehow managed to get up from bed. He folded the letter and kept it in his wardrobe. He went to the bathroom, took shower and changed into his comfy clothes. He didn't have his dinner. He didn't have the strength to even get up from the bed. It's like his body becomes lifeless and heavy for him to carry. He is feeling like there is a void in his heart. It's continuously aching to see Priya, to have her in his arms, but she is gone from his life. He cannot bear the pain of losing the love of his life. His first ever love.

Adonis's p.o.v -

I am Adonis Wilson. I am the CEO of the Wilson industries, 30years old. I lost my father at such a young age and don't have any memories to remember with him. My mother single handed raised me and managed the company. I saw my mother's struggle, she is a very strong woman. I know she missed my father, she was hurt but never showed it in front of anyone, never shed tears in front of me so that I can stay strong. I knew she's hurt. I understood her but never said anything to her as I don't want to hurt her even more by remembering her past. At a very young age I was focused on building myself as strong and composed as my mother so that I can quickly take the burden of the company from my mother's shoulders and give her rest. She has done a lot in her life. I have a very small number of friends. Actually, I only have 4 people whom I really consider as my real and close friends. They are Nick, Justin, Harry and Thomas. We are not all of the same age as we are not classmates. We met each other during painting classes. I have a love for painting, I also took dance classes as a hobby. We have many cars but I love the Lamborghini which my mother gifted me when I became CEO at the age of 25. I didn't change it. Till now it's my favourite and I really enjoy driving it. It's something really precious to me as that day I saw the proud feeling in my mother's eyes when I became CEO. It's like she successfully achieved what she was working for her whole life.

I am also a very private person. I don't like public attention that's why I don't attend any public events, nor even press conferences. I like to live a peaceful life. Public and media is handled by my P. A. Miss. Claire and secretary Mr. Willow. I don't like to get involved in any kind of controversy or any kind of gossip. I like to live my life on my terms peacefully. I was so much focussed on life that I didn't get the time to do things that normally rich kids do like clubbing, having girlfriends. I thought those were time waste and I didn't have any time to waste. I don't even interested in girls. I can sense in my office that many female workers want to throw her selves on me but I don't let them cross their lines because I know they don't love me, they only want to enjoy and want my money. So I don't even want to look for a girl. But now my mother is nagging me for marriage. I don't know what happened to my mother that she is pressuring me for marriage. She is doing typical mother type emotional blackmail like "how many days even left for me to live? I think I will die even without seeing my grandchildren". Like seriously! She's becoming a child as the days are passing. I have to do something serious. Otherwise she will definitely force me to marry some typical, weak, dramatic, girl or a gold digger. I don't want that to happen. I want someone strong like my mother who will not easily get dominated or have no motive on her own. I don't want a sobbing queen. But my kind of woman is just a fantasy. They don't exist in real life.

8 months ago Adonis's p.o.v -

To take a break from everything and my mother's pressure I went to India for a month. As nobody knows me I can roam around freely. I visited some important places as well as unknown common places. I really like Indian culture and India in general that's why I chose to come here. If I came here as a celebrity I can only see whitewashed India. But I came here as a nobody so I can see the real India, it's culture, it's street food, it's variations of language and dressing . Everything is very fascinating to me. But little did I know my life is about to turn 180° upside down.

When I was in Kolkata, one day I was just roaming around the street. Suddenly my eyes landed on a girl. A hair bun tied with uncomfortable baby hairs, totally bare face without any trace of makeup whatsoever, wearing a loose dress I guess it's called salwar kameez, rectangular glasses hiding eyes, carrying some bags I guess grocery bags. To see her more clearly I went near her as if I was just walking. She was busy with herself remembering where to go and what else to buy hanging her head down. She didn't care about her surroundings or her look. She then looked up and started walking and I got to see her eyes. Wow! Her eyes are amazing, black orbs, sparking. But something is off like there's a void, there's pain, there's suffering that was visible in her eyes. My heart ached by seeing the emptiness in her eyes, but man she is beautiful.

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