Chapter 6

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I looked at Adonis and closed my eyes tightly with a scared expression but I didn’t feel anything on my lips. Instead he peaked on my forehead. I sighed in relief as I am an Indian and a little bit of a reserved and shy kinda person. He understood just by looking at me and respected my feelings. I was kinda happy by his gesture but didn’t show it on my face. After the ceremony was over we went to our respective houses. He arranged everything as I told him to buy some comfortable boyish clothes. Clothes like oversized hoodies, oversized sweatshirts, some baggy joggers, oversized pj’s, some jeans, shirts, tees etc. as I can’t wear them at my house and the clothes I wear here can’t wear at his house. I went to the airport alone because my family and in-laws were there too to see me off. After seeing them off I met with Adonis inside the airport and we went to New York through his private jet. It was a long ass flight and for preparation and spending time with everybody I couldn’t get my sleep so just put my headphones on and went to sleep. I didn’t care what he was doing. In between the flight I just woke up to eat something and freshen up and again went to sleep. Before landing he asked me if I like to do makeup or that kind of stuff to look presentable. I replied “don’t expect me to be like other girls who just pour makeup on their faces all time just to hide their insecurity in the name of looking presentable. I like to stay away from chemicals as much as I can. I put on that shit when it’s any occasion or any of my dance programmes”. He just made a weird face which I didn’t understand the meaning of the expression, he hummed in reply. After 15 and half hours of the long flight we landed I stretched my body a little bit then got off the plane. I changed my outfit from salwar kameez to an oversized hoodie and denim and got sunglasses and a mask to hide my face properly. I really don’t want to take any chances to be caught on camera. We left the airport and he drove off to his house in his Lamborghini. I must say a car like this can only look good when a man like him drives it. Means he was looking so handsome and his personality made him more good looking. Looking at his face I can say he was enjoying driving the car. Maybe he loves to drive, you know rich people’s hobby. I was zoned out for a minute admiring him, I came back to reality when I got a call from my family. I picked up and let them know that I landed safely.

Present time –

I was suddenly woken up by the alarm. I stopped it and hurriedly went to take shower and got ready. I went down to have my breakfast and saw Bhaitu already sitting there waiting for me. He saw me and said not to worry as I was nervous about the job. After having breakfast Bhaitu dropped me to that academy. I went to the front desk and asked the receptionist about the interview. She was a middle aged kind and sweet lady who greeted me sweetly. She then took me to a room where the head dance mentors and the head of the academy were there. I introduced myself and showed them my resume. After the interview they selected me as I was the only one candidate on Indian classical form as they had just started this section in their academy. I was really happy they said I can join from tomorrow. I thought well I am not that worthless as I thought. I can survive without depending on anyone. While returning from the academy I went grocery shopping to cook Indian dinner for my Bhaitu. After all what he is doing for me not even my real brother could have done for me. Well the universe is not as cruel as I thought. I returned home and cooked a feast for my Bhaitu. It took three and half hours to finish all the cooking. After I was done I went to take a shower and changed clothes. When I was about to go to the living room to wait for Bhaitu I heard the door. I knew it’s him. I quickly went to him and told him to quickly freshen up, his feast is getting cold. His face lit up, smiled widely and ran to his room like a baby.

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