Chapter 39

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No one's POV

Next morning Priya got up before Adonis. She saw and sigh in relief.  She didn't want to face Adonis. She went to washroom. While she was showering last night's events were flashing infront of her eyes all the time. The moment Adoni's lips touched hers she knew she can't hear from Adonis on her face that she have to leave Adonis as the contract will be end. That moment made her weak, made her coward. At the shower she decided what will she have to do.

After finishing the shower when she went out of the washroom to her misfortune Adonis was standing infront of the washroom.

" Aaahhh! What the!!!! Oh you scare me!!" Priya spoke putting a hand on her chest.

" Sorry but I have been really meaning to talk to you." Adonis spoke up gathering all the courage that he could.

" About?" Priya asked trying to act cool but her heart was beating too fast not for her own good.

" Ab...bout last night...." Adonis spoke up stuttering.

" Yeah.... La.... last night..." Priya stuttered and cursed herself in mind for stuttering herself.

" Yeah... Listen.... I am sorry okay if you are uncomfortable. It was just they were totally drunk. I didn't know they would....." Adonis spoke up after taking a deep breath.

" I..... I totally get it. Don't.... don't worry about it. It was.... just a stupid game. Nothing else. Just.... A STUPID GAME. Listen don't stress about it. I... I have to go. The guys are here." Priya cutted him off stressing over the word STUPID GAME, feeling really hurt and disappointed.

Without giving another second she ran out of the room. Adonis just stood there like a statue. He just couldn't believe on his own ears. Was that just a game for her? But why did she sounded so offended and why was her voice so shaky. Adonis was sure that Priya was lying, because he felt Priya hammering heart, the shaking when his lips touched her. How she shivered under his touch. How she closed her eyes submitting herself to him. But then why she was acting like nothing at all happened. Adonis' mind was totally bombarded with those questions and confusions clouded his mind.

Few days went and that topic never again came up. Adonis decided to give some space for her and Priya? She was devastated from inside. But she didn't show that. She didn't want to make a bitter closure. These 6 months were the best time of her life. She wanted to be parted with only sweet memories not any bitter or ugly fight. Also she was convinced that she wasn't even good enough for him. Adonis will never even look at her. He was very good and caring but it was just his nature. As it was his contract so he made sure Priya was comfortable and happy. He is genuinely a good man and that was it.

After a week of that party Priya called Thomas and told him meet him. She also informed Adonis that she was going to meet Thomas but she didn't told him the reason.

She went to Thomas' house. She wanted to talk but in private. Thomas guided her to her room to get some privacy. He was a bit hesitant as she was his sister and also his bestfriend 's wife. But he knew how Priya is so he wasn't that nervous. But seeing Priya's sad and pale face he got worried what might happend. Priya went inside his bedroom and they both sat on the couch. Priya explained everything to him. What happened in the party as Thomas was already passed out. Adonis didn't told him as it was private thing.

At the end of explanation Priya was a crying mess. But what she didn't realise but Thomas did was Adonis was trying to make sure she's comfortable.  Adonis loves her a lot but Thomas couldn't tell that to her yet. He caressed her head to calm her down a bit. After calming down she then talked.

" Bhaitu, can I trust you?" Priya controlling her sobs.

" Ofcourse you can and you know that sissy." Thomas spoke up softly.

" Then I have a request. " Priya spoke seriously looking at his eyes.

" Yes?" Thomas asked shortly letting the broken girl talk.

" You know that.... that our contract is going to be over soon. And.... I.... I can't hear that from his mouth. I can't take that. I may be strong but not that strong you know? " Priya spoke up new tears about to fall.

" Sissy what are you trying to say?" Thomas spoke his heart started racing anticipating something wrong.

" Bhaitu can you do me a favor? Can you let me stay with you for a time being? I don't know any one where and I can trust only you. I promise as soon I could find a new place to stay I will leave. " Priya spoke looking at him with teary pleading eyes.

" But sissy.... Please don't get me wrong.... But I mean don't you have to go to India?" Thomas asked carefully not to hurt her more.

" Yeah I will. But for a few days maybe 3 ?" Priya spoke looking at nothing.

" What does that mean?" Thomas asked narrowing his eye skeptical.

" I am going to stay here. I am going to permanently leave India. I can't be there as..... as they I mean my own family kind of disown me already. Also you know well I can't be with my husband anymore. I....... they feel so unknown!" Priya spoke up with a sad smile curving up to her lips.

" Ok. I will not push you any further.  Also you know you are my family now right? We maybe not blood related but we are siblings,  soulmates and noone's ever gonna change that. So Ofcourse yes you can stay as long as you want. But one thing I want to say. Don't you think you can atleast try and confess to him. Might be a slighteset chance to......." Thomas spoke up keeping his hands on her shoulder.

" Don't..... Please don't give me false hope. I can't take that when it will break. I will die. ..." Priya spoke cutting him down now tears falling freely.

" Hey..... Ok... Ok.... we will do whatever you want. Ok?" Thomas spoke trying not to broke the girl anymore.

" Also one thing. Please.... Adonis can't know about this. Please...." Priya pleaded him crying hardly.

" Ok." Thomas spoke bringing the crying girl to his chest and let her all pain out.

After she calmed down she freshen up and spend some time watching some avenger movies. She cheered up and her puffiness due to crying also reduced. Thomas dropped her off to her.

The remaining 1 week Priya and Adonis spend days happily. She also called all the guys and Mrs. Wilson. She herself cooked dinner for them whatever she knew to cook. That night they spend happily talking, chilling. Basically it was a kind of a good bye for Priya. Shre wanted to feel the love and support of a family for the last time. She thought she would never going to experience this in her life ever again.

The last night she went to asleep with as much warmth and love she could collected in her heart. Because it was the last time for her to feel this feeling called happiness. From now on she had to live with only these memories in her heart, all alone. That feeling was constantly fighting for her to come surface but she didn't want to ruin her last night of happiness so she was shrugging that off.

Next morning when they woke up Priya was acting totally normal. But after Adonis went for his office she quickly packed everything. She wrote down the letter and left before Adonis could come to his. She changed her number so that he couldn't try to find her. With heavy heart she went out.


End of past.... now every thing will happen in the present.

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