Chapter 10

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She has a Batchelor degree in Indian classical dance. She started working right after finishing her studies as the financial condition is not good. But her mother was very terrified to live with a young and beautiful daughter like her alone. She used to come home late at night as her workplace was far from her home. Many people started to talk many negative things about her and boys of her area started to note her timing of coming home. So her mother decided to arrange her marriage. Her husband Akash, was her school life sweetheart. But his family was against this marriage at first as they were just 22 at that time. But after sometimes they understood the situation and agreed to the marriage. But just before her marriage there’s a thing she left her job and also cancelled all the dance classes she used to take. But recently she started to take classes again but still she is not regular. Their in-laws seemed happy to have her. She shows she’s happy too. But the actual fact about her feeling is unknown. She is not suffering from any physical abuse nor there are any noises come from her house. Her family seems peaceful from outside. But they also struggling for money as they currently living at a rented house and wanted a house of their own near the city. As for her paternal family, they are still struggling for money and they also want to move near city as the distance of her brother’s job place from their house is long. The conclusion is everything seems fine from outside except the money problem and her irregularity in dance classes, and yes her son is very cute, like cuteness overload, but her son Aviksit seems to like his grandma rather than his mother. It maybe nothing but thought of pointing it out.”
I was surprised by the fact that Thomas is giving me so much in detailed information about her! “ Hold on, how do you know so much about her? How did you get all of that and even over night!”
He chuckled lightly and said, “ my friend, you might be The Adonis Wilson. But I ain’t also Thomas Jones for nothing. I have my ways to get information. Now I made a plan after getting all her information. But my friend a tiny bit of info is she used to be short-tempered and savage kind of girl. I said used to because she has either changed or suppressed everything after marriage just the sake of the in-laws or something like that. Are you sure you can handle her? ” I said, “Thomas you know I am calm type of person and I don’t think that will be a problem. Now quickly tell me your plan. ”
Then Thomas started to explain the plan. At first I was not convinced by the plan as it sounded very cheap, like buying something I like from the market. But he explained me that this the only way to help both of us. At least her main problems will be solved and also my mother will stop nag me about marriage. I said that she’ll never agree, she is not that kind of girl. But Thomas convinced to at least give it a try. I said I have to think about it and give him my answer by evening. The whole day I wasn’t able to concentrate anything. I was thinking deeply and all the consequences of his plan. But finally at the evening I decided to give it a shot, let’s see what happens. If my luck is good I will get the love of my life, if not at least she can live a peaceful life. So I called Thomas in the evening and told him to do all the arrangements, as I want to go at her place tomorrow evening. He said “I have already started to arrange everything as I know you too well”. I smiled and cut the call. I was very nervous thinking about what is going to happen. I have never been nervous as I am a confident person. But I guess love can make you weak as well as strong. Thinking all of that I slept at night.
Next morning I went outside to roam around as I can’t stay inside my hotel room out of nervousness. Roaming there I again saw her as I was crossing her house, she was hanging wet clothes to dry at her balcony. I guess she took a bath. Her hair was wrapped by a towel. I guess she didn’t noticed me. “Am I that invisible?”, I thought and staring at her fresh figure. She was wearing some kind of cotton long nighty kind of a gown. 👇


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