Chapter 17

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Next morning I went to office and before going my mom was watching me keenly that's why I hugged her and whispered in her ears.
Adonis - I am sorry for this but mom would be suspicious if I didn't even touch you. I am really sorry.
Priya - It's ok.
Then I went out for my work.
At the evening I got a call.
Priya *sobbing and stuttering* - I am at XXX Hospital.... I.... I didn't knew where to take so I took her here. You mom... Your mom... I think.... She... She had...
Adonis - I am on my way.
I stormed out from the office and went to hospital she told me at a mad speed.
When I reached I saw she was shivering and pacing in tensed. I went to her she was tensed, tears were flowing from her eyes nonstop. I was also really scared. I asked her as calmly as possible as I don't want to make her more scared than she already is.
Adonis - Ms. Majumder. What happened?
Priya - M... Mr. Wilson I don't know I am sorry. The... The doctors checking her. They... They didn't say anything yet. I... I don't know anything. I don't know what to do....
Adonis - Ok. First calm down.
At that moment doctors came out.
Doctor - Mr. Wilson. You are really lucky to have a wife like this. You mother had a mild cerebral stroke but she is perfectly fine and out of danger. All thanks to this young lady. She took her here just in time that's why the attack was mild. Even before taking her here your wife showed the most important presence of mind. Though the early symptoms are very much mild still she did the right thing pouring water directly to her head and neck. That slowed down the attack. You can meet her after the sedative ran out which may take an hour or so. After that you can take her home by tomorrow morning but keep check on bp. We are taking our leave.
Adonis * holds her hand* - Thank you. Thank you Priya so much. Thanks for saving and keeping safe my only family, my mom safe🙏.
Priya * got a bit sad hearing his only family as his mom but didn't showed* - No no Mr. Wilson. There's nothing to Thank me. She's your mom. I did what I should do.
Adonis - Anyways what happened?
Then she started telling me. After having lunch mom went to her room. After the kitchen inspection she was going to our room. She was crossing mom's room. She thought of checking if she needs anything. She knocked and called but didn't get response. She entered the room, she heard throwing up sounds from the washroom. She rushed at the washroom, saw my mom throwing up. She went to mom. Mom said she was fine must be some gastric problem. But she noticed that mom's left eye is sulking. She immediately hold mom and took her to the bathtub and started the hand shower and hold it right above mom's head. Mom was scolding her immensely but she didn't listen to her and after a good 20 mins of pouring water she called the driver and took her here.
After hearing everything I was just in awe. She said,
Priya - I lost a parent. I know how it feels. I don't want the same pain for you. I am going to get coffee for us. Then we will meet Mrs. Wilson.
Then she left. I was awestruck how she is sensitive and protective towards family needs. I called Thomas and told him all about today's Incident. He also thinks the same. She is an angel. After an hour we met my mom. She talked little. Maybe the effect of sedative that's why she can't talk. After meeting mom Priya send me home forcefully saying I am exhausted and all. But she was the most exhausted one. She looked very tired. She having dark circles on her eyes. Her were puffy for all the crying. But still forcefully send me home. I went but not before giving her dinner forcefully. That night I couldn't sleep peacefully. I was worried for Priya as she was  all alone in a hospital, specially at night, in a country where she's absolutely new.
Next morning I went to the hospital. Completed all the formalities and took my mom and Priya to our home. I hired a nurse for mom to take care of my mom 24/7. I don't know why my mom was literally stubborn. She didn't want to follow doctor's chart. But don't know how Priya always manages to make my mom follow her Doctor's chart.
Oneday I was passing by my mom's room. She was throwing tantrums as she didn't want to have her lunch that's a plain soup. The nurse couldn't make her have this soup.
Mrs. Wilson - I am not bedridden. Why am I having this blunt soup. Want me to die like this?
She was angry at the nurse. Priya took the bowl from the nurse then. She went to mom.
Priya - Mrs. Wilson. Tell me are you a kid?
Mrs. Wilson - What?
Priya - I asked are you a kid?
Mrs. Wilson - Why?
Priya - Cause you are acting like one. Its not blunt. I know what doctors gave for your diet. I just improvised it a little bit. Have a sip. If you don't like then you don't have to. I will give you something else.
My mom then hesitantly took a sip from Priya's hand. She surprisingly loved it. Then Priya made her sit on the couch. She sat beside her. She fed her by her hand. My mom acted like an obedient kid and finished her lunch. After finishing her lunch Priya about to get up and went out my mom caught her wrist.
Priya - What happened Mrs. Wilson? Do you need anything?
Mrs. Wilson - I want you to feed me everytime. And the improvisation is excellent. Thank you.
Priya - Please don't thank me Mrs. Wilson.
She smiled put the bowl on the nurse's hand and took mom to her bed. She made her lay down on her bed, tucked her in her cover. She caressed her hair until she fell asleep. Then she went out. At the door she got startled looking me standing there.
Priya - Oh! Mr. Wilson. You startled me. Do you need anything?
Adonis - No no. I just wanted to see mom. But the way you are taking care of my mom, I don't think I have to look at anything.
Priya - That's nothing. She's your mom and your only parent. I have a responsibility to take care of her. But don't worry. She's getting better. I checked everything. Her bp, sugar level, and everything is fine. There isn't any abnormalities in her body. You can relax.
Adonis - Thank you is nothing for what you are doing.
Priya just smile shyly and went to our room.
After 10 days of my mom's stay Priya spend most of her time even nights in her room  just to make sure she's fine. She herself called my mom's maids to give them every important instructions that she have to maintain. Like her diet, timing, morning walk, little body stretching and breathing exercises. She also gave them her number incase she's doesn't follow anything or any emergency.

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