Chapter 2

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Present time-

My thoughts were interrupted when I arrived at Thomas, one of my contract husband’s best friends and like a little brother to me. He knows everything about myself, he is like my personal diary, a journal of my life. Have discussed everything with him. I told him to let me stay at his house for the time being until I find myself a place for myself. In these six months the best thing I got beside getting my love by my side is Thomas. When I moved to New York I really missed someone whom I can share everything with, a person I feel the love and warmth, a person I can totally rely on. I got that person in Thomas. He is my soulmate, my little brother, my best friend, my partner in crime. He didn’t make me miss my own brother. He was already standing outside of his house, waiting for me. When I arrived he gave me a tight and warm hug which was exactly what I needed, I also hugged him tight then we both went inside his house. He showed me my room. He already prepared lunch for us. He has household help and a cook so he was free from doing all the work. He helped me unpacking and settling down. I didn’t show him that I am sad but from inside I am dying. But I know my little brother can read me like an open book. He didn’t say anything, just held one of my shoulders ensuring me that he is here for me. After everything settled we went to have our lunch. After having lunch I told him that I want to sleep as I am feeling very tired. Then I came to my room. I closed the door and laid on the bed feeling extremely exhausted emotionally.

Lying on the bed I was thinking about my life, tears were flowing down from my eyes unknowingly.

Priyadarshini’s p.o.v 14months ago –

My life was just going on with my lifeless body. At that time, one day my life went upside down when I saw a picture of Adonis Wilson, a very successful businessman, CEO of Wilson industries, 30years old, multi talented. As the name suggested he is really a God of beauty, his strong personality was also very much visible through the picture. I was lost looking at his picture, not for his beauty or anything but his eyes. His almond shaped deep brown eyes. It’s like his eyes are so deep, so much hidden in there just like infinite things are hidden inside the depth of the ocean. I was drowning in that mysterious ocean. My love for Akash already died then. I was numb. But while I was looking and lost in Adonis’s eyes slowly tears started to escape from my eyes one by one unknowingly. It’s like a wave of emotions hit me hard. Having thousands of butterflies in my stomach, skipping my heart beat, overwhelmed. From that day I started to think about him all the time and looked at his pictures just to feel something. I didn’t even realize that I had already fallen for him.

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