Chapter 2 - Factions Meet Destroyer

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Y/n was sitting on currently sitting on one of the demon king's throne with a smirk on his face, standing to his right was Whis and all powerful Angel and to his left was Rags an old enemy of Y/n and a strong warrior.

"today must be my lucky day, all the leaders are in one place. Why don't you kneel and tell us your names" Y/n said this while looking right at the leaders...

With The Factions

What was going on could be explained in a few simple words....Complete Chaos, one moment the factions were having a large peace gathering when suddenly three strong powers showed up. Even among the Faction members these powers far outclassed any of them and yet some how they know that the person currently sitting on Sirzech's throne and those standing beside him were holding back.

Back With Y/n

As Y/n was waiting for a response he suddenly heard a scream before seeing a blue haired girl run at him with a large sword.

As Y/n was waiting for a response he suddenly heard a scream before seeing a blue haired girl run at him with a large sword

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As the leader tried to stop her it was to late the girl swung her blade which connected directly onto Y/n's neck....But to everyone's shock the attack did nothing he didn't even try to dodge or even block, as the young girl was now standing in front of Y/n shocked that her sword did nothing.

"Whis who is this person, and what's that sword she has at my neck"

Everyone watched as Whis had checked his staff, as they all watched Xenovia was looking directly into Y/n's eyes with a hit of fear.

"My Lord, Her name is Xenovia Quarta she attends Kouh Academy and is the knight of one Rias Gremory" As Whis said this everyone including Xenovia was shocked at how much Whis knew about her.

"The sword she currently wields is known as Durandal a holy sword that is said to be on pair with the excalibur of this world" Whis said.

Without saying a word Y/n simple lifted his hand towards Xenovia's head before flicking her and denting her crashing along the ground and right into a wall behind the large group.

Without saying a word Y/n simple lifted his hand towards Xenovia's head before flicking her and denting her crashing along the ground and right into a wall behind the large group

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Y/n watched as who he assumed was her peerage master and friends ran to her aid while the leaders looked at Y/n terrified. But before Y/n could speak Whis spoke up first.

"I must advise that you don't try and attack Lord Y/n again, as you can already see it won't end well for you if you do" As Whis said this Y/n then spoke up.

"listen and listen well, My name is Y/n and I'm what you may call a God of Destruction beside me are my assistants Whis and Rags. We have been sent here by a higher power to maintain balance in this universe" Y/n said as everyone was now paying attention to him.

"yes as Lord Y/n said we have been sent by a higher power, as I'm sure you've already figured out I am indeed an Angel but not like the ones on this world. Y/n here is what you may refer to as a True God, unlike the gods from this world the sacred fears you call Longinus's will not work against Y/n. Not even the one you call the True Longinus will work against someone of Y/n's level of strengh"

If everyone wasn't scared before they sure are now, to hear that the Longinus Sacred Gears would have no effect on Y/n scared even the leaders.

"now then let's start from the beginning shall we, kneel and tell me your names" Y/n said with a much stricter tone this time around showing he wasn't in the mood for games.

Y/n watched as the leader of each faction stepped infront of him and kneeled down.

"Lord Y/n, my name is Sirzechs Lucifer. I am one of the four devil Kings of the underworld" said a red haired man.

"My name is Serafell Leviathan, Lord Y/n. I am also one of the four devil Kings" said a young women.

"I'm Falbium Asmodeus, My Lord. I to am one of the devil kings" said a older looking man.

"And I am the last of the four devil kings my Lord, My nam is Ajuka Beelzebub" said a younger looking man about the same age as Sirzechs.

Y/n then watched as the other leaders did the same. There was Micheal leader of the angels, Azazel leader of the fallen, Odin leader of Asgard and finally a very Familiar face stepped forward and bowed.

 There was Micheal leader of the angels, Azazel leader of the fallen, Odin leader of Asgard and finally a very Familiar face stepped forward and bowed

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"hello my lord my name is..." As she spoke Y/n had interrupted her.

"Yasaka leader of the Youkai's, yes I'm well aware of who you are" as he said this Yasaka looked shocked he know her.

"if you don't mind me asking Lord Y/n, how do you know my name" Yasaka asked confused.

"before I answer you're question I'm going to call a name out and when I do I expect that person to stand in front of me when I Fujimai Toujou join miss Yasaka" as Y/n mentioned that name most people who know her or her daughters Koneko and Kuroka were shocked.

After a few second a young looking women appeared and.made her way beside Yasaka.

" Lord" as she said this and bowed Y/n chuckled.

"now then I'm sure your wondering how I know your name, but why don't you bring your daughters out her as well as I'm sure they will want to hear this" as Y/n said this everyone became more confused as to why he know about Koneko and Kuroka. As both girls quickly made their way over to Yasaka and Fujimai Y/n simple smiled.

"my lord are we in trouble" Fujimai asked confused as to why Y/n called then here.

"no....I just wanted to see my mother and little sisters again" the moment Y/n said this everyone's eyes widen..especially the four Youkai's who were now staring directly at Y/n.

Y..Y/n I.. is that really you" Said a teary eyed Fujimai.

The moment Y/n simply smiled the four got up and rushed at Y/n jumping on him and crying.

"it seems we have some catching up to do" Y/n said and he hugged all four of the girls he care for the most. His adopted mother, his step sisters and the one person who helped save the other three....

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